Who To Blame Who do you blame for a tragedy like this? In a town called Verona lives two feuding families, the Montagues and the Capulets. The hatred between these two families is indescribable. One night after being heartbroken by his ‘true love’ Rosaline, Romeo goes to a party, a Capulet party. While at the party, Romeo meets a girl named Juliet and the two immediately fall in love. The only issue with that is that they are from opposite sides of the two feuding families. Although they are from feuding families, they decide to follow through on their journey secretly. The two get married only a day after meeting. Of course suddenly after marrying, issues arise and uprising occur between the families and Romeo end up being banished from …show more content…
Romeo kills Tybalt who is Juliet’s cousin and she is sad; however, she still loves Romeo with all of her heart. “Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars” (3. 2. 23-24). This quote shows how even after Juliet found out about the death of Tybalt she still loved Romeo, and wished to be with him. After the death of Tybalt, Romeo is kicked out of Verona. Juliet has to find a way to get to him by faking her death all because her parents wouldn’t allow her to be with him. If Juliet’s parents wouldn’t have had such a large feud with the Montagues, then she wouldn’t have had to fake her death to be with Romeo, and Romeo would not have killed …show more content…
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Have you’ve ever been included in a major disaster and did not know who to blame? When a tragedy occurs and a numerous amount of people are involved it can be very easy to accuse another. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, it starts as a simple love story until a tragedy occurs that leaves one question, who is really at fault? Friar Laurence is truly to blame for the tragic events because he married Romeo and Juliet, he gave Juliet the plan that lead to her and Romeo’s death, and didn’t tell anyone about the events taking place.
Whenever a problem occurs, there is always someone to take the blame, whether it be a war between two countries or an argument between siblings. In the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, it is no different. This story shows tragedy after tragedy and focuses on the tragic events that led the lovers to their deaths. However, there is much controversy surrounding who is to blame for the tragedies that took place. Some say that their families caused the deaths, while others say their counselor and mentor, Friar lawrence, is to blame since he married the two despite the potential consequences. Based on the facts, Romeo is to blame for all the tragedies that took place. Romeo acted infatuatedly, vengefully, and impulsively throughout this play, causing him to produce many tragedies along the way.
The play Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare has written multiple other tragic plays such as Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear. Many people still have one question, and that is who is the most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? The play is filled with many characters and every character plays a different role. But, in my opinion, Friar Lawrence is the most to blame for Romeo and Juliet deaths. The reason behind this is because he was the one to suggest their marriage to create peace between the two families. Friar Lawrence was also the one to provide Juliet with the poison and the message didn't get through to Romeo correctly making him kill himself. The play Romeo and Juliet is about two lovers that fell in love and if one does something the other will do.
Within every tragic ending, lies at least one or more accomplice. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, many things happen that involve many different people, so it could be hard to pinpoint one person to blame for the deaths of the two young lovers Romeo and Juliet. Romeo, Benvolio, and the Capulet and Montague ancestors are to blame. Romeo is to blame because he acts rashly and does not think things through. Benvolio is at fault because he encourages Romeo to go to a Capulet party where he meets the love of his life. Romeo and Juliet's ancestors are also to blame because they created the feud that resulted in the lover’s tragic end. With so many people playing a part in the relationship, putting the blame on one person is difficult.
Juliet undoubtedly had a good chance of making it alive with Romeo, but made the wrong decisions, ending her life. The two people mentioned above are somewhat to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths, the family feud is mostly to blame for the tragic fate of the two lovers. Act 1 Prologue says, “From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.” Montague and Capulet families have been fighting for many years over a grudge, which made the families not like each other, a reason that happened in the past. If these two families weren’t fighting over a grudge, it would’ve made Romeo and Juliet freely express their love for each other in front of the family without getting angry.
Did you know that it wasn't Romeo and Juliet's fault that they died? Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare is a great romantic tragedy for those who like reading Shakespeare. The Lords Capulet and Montague are the characters most to blame for the tragic events in Romeo and Juliet because they started the feud which killed Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Lady Montague, and Paris, prevented Romeo and Juliet marrying, and resulted in Romeo’s banishment. Lord Capulet and Montague are the most to blame for the events that occur in Romeo and Juliet because they started the feud which killed Mercutio, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, Lady Montague, and Paris. The Prince said, “Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word, By thee, old Capulet, and Montague Have thrice disturbed the quiet of
Hypothalamic, pituitary, and testicular tissues were collected to quantify mRNA levels using qPCR. Accordingly, KISS1, Kiss1r, and GNRH mRNA levels in the hypothalamus were significantly lower in the treatment group than in the control group (P < 0.05). Immunization with active kisspeptin DNA vaccine suppresses feedback regulation of the gonads in the hypothalamus and synthesis of GNRH in the hypothalamus. It is believed that the kisspeptin- Kiss1r system has been a significant integrator of multiple hormonal and physiological signals with GNRH neurons. Xing-fa et al. [2014] showed that the level of KISS1 mRNA and that of KISS1 receptor Kiss1r in the hypothalamus were notably reduced after immunological or surgical castration. The amount of GNRH mRNA in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus and mRNAs of genes in the sex-hormone negative-feedback loops in the hypothalamus were decreased in pregnenolone-immunized rabbits compared to controls. The actions of GNRH are mediated by kisspeptin neurons, which express steroid receptors [García-Galiano et al., 2011].
Also, testosterone and anabolic steroids can have a serious affect on the central nervous system. Where they damage the part of the brain that regulates our mood, sexuality, and aggression.
The reproductive hormone 17β-estradiol (E2) is the main form of estrogen found in female has several functions; particularly it maintains the female reproductive system and acts as a component of metabolic processes. (6) Research has shown that E2 has effects in animal models in reducing anxiety as well as other depressive behaviors. (11) E2 can exert its effects via direct genomic action, but can also cause effects via indirect genomic action. The direct genomic action occurs through the utilization of two intracellular receptors for estrogen, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and estrogen receptor beta (ERβ). ERα is thought to be involved with stimulatory processes, while ERβ is thought to be involved in inhibitory processes. (6) To test
Androgens—especially testosterone—have long been studied for their myriad effects on animal behavior. An early paper by Tollman and King (1956) attempted to study the effects of testosterone on aggression in rats. Their method tested the effects of testosterone propionate on three groups of rats: gonadectomized males, gonadectomized females, and intact females. All surgeries, including sham operations, occurred at 30 days of age. The
Hulock, E. B. (1959). Youngster Development, New York McGraw-Hill - McGraw-Hill arrangement in brain science.
They couldn't be with each other because there parents don’t get along with each other. Romeo and Juliet’s family were enemies. Romeo was a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. The two families have been fighting for so long that they forget the reason they were fighting.
The researchers were curious whether prolonged use of high dose anabolic-androgenic steroid or (AAS) use has any negative cognitive or psychiatric effect. This was explored because there has been little to no research done with prolonged AAS use and the brain. They measured brain morphometric, which encompasses subcortical neuroanatomical volumes and regional cortical thickness. AAS use is known to cause cognitive defects as well as psychiatric disorders among many symptoms however very few studies look into the brain morphology which this study explores this is readily important as AAS readily passes through the blood brain barrier. It’s stated that artificial high doses of testosterone like with AASs many cause apoptosis on many
Exposure of females to androgen agonists imbalances sex hormones in the brain. Anxiety, mood disorders, and pathopsychological behaviors are the resultant effects 1. These presentations are caused by alteration in the amygdala region of the brain. For example, the expression of AR gene inhibits anxiety is suppressed while increasing the expression of the serotoninergic GABAergic receptor1. Exposure also causes infertility in some females. Where children are born, males are prone to insulin resistance and obesity while females develop high androgen secretion that may lead to PCOS and psychopathological disorders1. Studies also show that exposure at a prenatal stage affects sexual orientation where such females tend to be sexually drawn to
One place where steroid binding appears to exert its effect is in the hypothalamus. The sexually dimorphic nucleus of the medial preoptic area (SDN-POA) is a sub-nucleus in the medial preoptic area that is approximately 2.5 times larger in males than in females. In addition, the presence of two sexually dimorphic cell groups has been confirmed in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area. There are four interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus and the two that are larger in the male brain are the INAH3 and INAH1. These hypothalamic findings are particularly noteworthy because the preoptic area has been shown to be sexually dimorphic in several other non-human species and more important, to be sensitive to prenatal or perinatal hormonal influences.