
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Satisfactory Essays

The death of Romeo and Juliet. At the beginning of this, before I go on and explain who Is at fault. Romeo Is a Montague and Juliet Is a Capulet. Their families already do not like each other so that does not help solve the case. Then later on In the Story/Movie It shows that Romeo and Juliet fall in love once they see each other then they meet and stuff then when they have to leave the both find out they are like enemies and their parents hate each other. Then they start to like each other and start trying to sneak out and hangout so that both are their faults because they know if they get caught together it will not be good for them I am not saying they are the reasons for their own death. The person who is at fault for Romeo and Juliet's death is Friar Lawrence. I say this because he was the …show more content…

Then the times come and Juliet's dad is trying to get her to marry this guy named Parris. Juliet wants nothing to do with this parris guy. Then her dad said this to Juliet Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Submitted to Avondale School District on 2006-04-11You beEnd Match my Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Submitted to Avondale School District on 2006-04-11mine I ll give you to my friend youEnd Match dont Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Submitted to Avondale School District on 2006-04-11beEnd Match mine you Begin Match to source 1 in source list: Submitted to Avondale School District on 2006-04-11 disown her and act like he doesn't know her. Then they get a plan from friar Lawrence. He will give Juliet a drink, that she will be in deep sleep for 42 hours, then wait for Romeo to come and get her and they will run off

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