
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Decent Essays

This tragic story of Romeo and Juliet is a very sad love story that went completely wrong. In summary of the story, many people have died and commited suicide over something that could have easily been prevented. What I see as the biggest problem, would be the poor communication and effort that Juliet puts into this situation. If Juliet would have talked everything through and thought about this it could have been prevented. There are many reasons why Juliet is at blame for all the deaths and terrible events that took place through the story.

For starters, the communication between Romeo and Juliet is clearly is very poor and there was not a lot of effort put into this. Juliet should have made sure that the letter went through before executing her plan.”Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift…” (Shakespeare, 454). This shows that Juliet just trusted him with the letter and did not make sure that Romeo got it. In this case he didn’t and that is where things went south.
The point is that Juliet needed to make a better and safer plan before doing her outlandish and foolish plan to be with her lover, Romeo Montague. …show more content…

For example, she takes a random potion that the Friar creates and that could potentially kill her and she has no idea what is in it. “What if it be a poison which the Friar subtly hath minist’ red to have me dead…” (Shakespeare, 456). This line that Juliet says clearly shows she doesn’t trust that the potion will work and suspects the Friar might kill her. If she would have never took the potion in the first place and found a better solution, there would have been no confusion for Romeo if she was actually dead. Several people have died for her poor decision making. As you can see Juliet messed up largely in this

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