
Who Is Martha Graham's Heretic?

Decent Essays

Who: One choreographer that draw my attention is Martha Graham. Particularly, when I watched her dance ‘HERETIC’, I was emotional.
What: Like I mentioned, the dance ‘HERETIC’ is the dance that I can never forget. I used to practice ballet. When I watched this video, it was so different than the dance I am familiar with. ‘HERETIC’ gave me a dark and ruthless feeling so that I literally felt cold while I watched the video.
When: The dance was released around 1929. I think ‘HERETIC’ represents the difficulty for outsiders to blend into the community of life in America. Since all dancers were same race and similar tallness, it is hard to tell which community this dance targeted. But based on Graham’s biography, I think the outsider refers to Martha Graham’s dances and the community refers to the classical dance culture. And such rejection feeling represents part of the American life. So, I think ‘HERETIC’ tried to create something uniquely that captures American life. Graham created her Graham Technique based on classical ballet with focus on contraction and release. So I think Graham created her unique dances by conserving an older dance tradition. …show more content…

The belief that dancers can utilize their bodies and movements to express their feelings is passed on from this dance. I think Graham took some movements from European ballet while she created this dance because the sharp clean movements of dancers’ feet are similar feet movements in European ballet. Except this similarity, this dance does not share much commons and that is why I think this dance is so unique: The movement was less ‘dancy’: It was more like the way we acted during our daily life. Dancers tend to hold a posture for a short period of time instead of moving all the

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