
Who Is Maria's Rat Smarter

Satisfactory Essays

Who has the smartest rat? Maria and Tran want to find out who’s rat is smarter. To find this they timed how long it took both rats to get through a maze. To help them solve this problem I first analysed the data by finding the mean, median, mode, and range for each rat. The data shows that Maria’s rat is smarter. Many things show this , but two of them are the range and the box plot. Moreover, the range helped me find out that Maria’s rat is smarter. It highlights that her rat showed more improvement than Tran’s did. Also, the boxplot was useful too. It helped me come to a conclusion by showing that Maria's rat started out slower than Tran’s, but then started to improve more rapidly than Tran’s rat. To sum it up, Maria’s rat is smarter,

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