
Who Is Kirstin Crown-Mills 'The Original Fake'

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In my opinion, this book just OK. I would give it a 3.5 out of 5. I say this because I, myself, am not into art, drawing, or painting. But this book is not all about that. I would say this book is worth reading if you like graphic novels and a hooking adventure. The author, Kirstin Crown-Mills, provides creative imagery not only with her eye catching art, but with her words. This book hooked me towards the middle of the book. It was “hooking” to me because the artwork got more extravagant and the adventures with David and Rory got more exciting. “Rory's close enough that I can smell her again. Flowering, but soothing. An old-fashioned smell, but a little hippieish, with peace signs and Birkenstocks.” Kirsten Crown-Mills (81) This quote shows …show more content…

The main plot of this book is that Frankie Neumann really hates his life. But it's understandable. He has an annoying tutu-wearing sister that is nagging at Frankie all the time. He possibly has the weirdest parents on the planet. Brett, his father, is a fin-in Frank-N-Furter at the Hennepin and Broad Dinner Theater’s production of The Rocky Horror Show. Frank-N-Furter is a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania, as Frank’s first song says. Bridget, Frankie's mother, is a female Frank Sinatra impersonator. As Frankie meets his best friends from high school, David and Rory, they go on crazy adventures to find find a way to trick uncle epic, someone who all three of the teens look up to, into working with them. Throughout the story, Frankie, David, and Rory are in for a bumpy ride. But there was a twist that nobody was expecting. This book was set in a suburb of Minneapolis. This book told me that if you want something, try as hard as you can even though it might end up the way you always want it

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