
Who Is King George III's Personal Life

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Personal Life King George III was born June 4, 1738 in London, England; and was the son of Fredrick Louis who was the prince of Wales. After the death of his father King George still could not take over the thrown because his grandfather, King George 11, was still in control. Earlier in King Georges' childhood he was a immature teenage boy who was taken care of by his overbearing and protective mother, Augusta. Augusta thought that the other younger children his age would corrupt his mind so she would not let him socialize with others. At a young age George was diagnosed with Porphyria, which is mental disability to the brain. When George was twenty-two he went after his grandfather's place on the thrown. Later on, in 1761 he married Princess Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Charlotte was a german protestant and couldn't speak english. They soon after had nine sons and six daughters together. King George III died January 20, 1820 in London, England. What He Did …show more content…

He was a strong leader for a time, devoting his attention to law-making and supporting his country and colonies. By 1763 Britain was on top of the world, but the only thing that held them back was their lack of strong government. So the only thing George felt was right was to put more taxes on the americans so he could have more money to give to his government and country. As you can guess the colonists were outraged and tried to contact and resolve in a agreement but King George wouldn't have it. So the colonists took action and boycotted british goods, which only enraged King George more. After the Boston Tea Party took place, he placed his foot down and sent the Intolerable Acts to the

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