
Who Is John Stuart Mill Utilitarianism

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Utilitarianism is one of the most potent and persuasive approaches to normative ethics in the history of philosophy. The essay will discuss the utilitarianism version of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. According to ( ) utilitarianism is based on achieving pleasure and avoiding pain, a system in which an action or decision would result in most benefit to the higher number of people. By happiness is intended pleasure and prevent Pain, to fully understand this theory of ideas and opinions expressed by Mill and Bentham one must study the background of these two philosophers as well. Mill was born on 20th of May 1806, in London. His father James mill, a Scottish philosopher who was a friend of Jeremy Bentham, whose utilitarian philosophy was a massive influence …show more content…

His father, Jeremiah Bentham, was an attorney general, his father centred him all attention on his son rather than his career. Jeremiah Bentham wanted his son to be a lawyer since he believed that law is involved in every aspect of human life. Jeremy Bentham studied at Westminster school and later admitted at Queen's College, Oxford. Bentham was confused about his life goal although continued to study law since it was his father wish, then he disillusioned with it. Being lawyer, he started criticising rules and was trying to improve the law system. Bentham closely associated with the doctrine of utilitarianism. However, this was the starting point of a radical critique of society, through which Mill tried to value the usefulness of existing institutions, practices and beliefs. Bentham created a group of intellectual philosophers known as philosopher radicals of which Mill was a prominent member. After the publication of J.S. Mill's work Bentham become a widely respected figure in Britain and other parts of the world and many of his ideas become a centre of the academic

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