
John Stuart Mills Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

In “Utilitarianism” John Stuart Mills argues that “actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness”. Feasibly, the strongest argument provided by Mills postulates that happiness is the solo basis of morality, and that humans never desire anything other than happiness. Since happiness underlies our morals, then happiness is needed for morality. In this paper, I will object to this ideology because morals stand in the way of true happiness. In “Utilitarianism” Mills argues that utilitarianism originates from the humans’ social nature and as a result society should welcome these standards as morally obligatory. The word “pleasure” is defined by Mills as possessing happiness …show more content…

For example, if beating a dog produces the greatest happiness, then it is right to beat a dog. Assuming a man only beats feral dogs, which ensures that no else is cognizant of his activities. Nevertheless, he gets garners immense happiness. So more happiness is produced by beating the dog than not, thus it would appear morally correct. Except, this were I dissent from Mills and his ideology. Mills argues that everyone desires happiness. So each person’s happiness is good to that individual. This brings me to address the idea that morals stand in way of true happiness. Morals cannot exist if true happiness is to be had as they are a burden to the individual. For example, the man beating the dog can only …show more content…

This hobby of his forces him to act in secret and avoid the FBI because of the perceived immorality of his actions in the eyes of the general public. So, it appears that the presence of morality itself is standing in the way of Buffalo Bills happiness. The absence of morality would enable him to enjoy this activity as he sees fit and the outside world wouldn’t feel compelled to imped his happiness. The moral righteousness of his actions shouldn’t limit his ability to create happiness, if happiness is the basis for morality. It seems quite paradoxical as happiness is compulsory to morality. Meaning neither can exist without compromising the other. The absence of morals removes the restrictions in place that regulate the acceptable forms of happiness to each individual. The utility derived from killing and skinning a woman in the case of Buffalo Bill could be greater than the utility derived from stopping such an action, such in the case of the FBI. If this is the case, then stopping Buffalo Bill would evidence the exist of morals as a limitation on happiness. Due to the sentiment of justice, moral righteousness serves as means to deriving happiness. The differences in standards of what is morally acceptable will not coincide, therefore creating a conflict that produces discomfort (pain) in others. Therefore, true happiness is false when only

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