
Who Is Allison's Fault In 'Rape Fantasies'?

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In Fun Home and “Rape Fantasies” the main characters are being victimized. Allison struggles with her sexuality and also the understanding of why her father’s death took place in Fun Home. She finds herself dealing with the problem of accepting and understanding her sexuality. She feels as though the reason for her sexuality is her father’s fault due to the choices and actions he made. In “Rape Fantasies” the author portrays the scenes in the story to be the main characters and also the other women who took part in this problem to be the reason for the raping’s to their careless mistakes. Both stories acknowledge how the situations that occur aren’t their fault. Allison deals with the problem of being homosexual and the women in “Rape …show more content…

In “Rape Fantasies,” Allison says “you’re fourteen years old and you’re a faggot.what are you going to do with your life?” Allison having thoughts like this made it difficult for her to come out fully about being lesbian. She tries to openly come out with her sexuality but her father insist on this not happening. Her dad as well was a homosexual and he learned that early on in his life. When Allison’s father was younger he was molested as a child, this led on to him later on in life trying new experiences with other guys and also wanting to live the life of a woman. Being molested is what led her father to become a homosexual or realize that he is a homosexual. Allison’s father took part in her curiousness of her sexuality so therefore her understanding and further wanting to be homosexual was part of her father’s fault. Allison’s father gave her books on homosexual and even gave hints here and there about sexuality itself. The books that were recommended to her were directed towards homosexuals. The actions that Allison’s father took affected Allison’s curiosity more of being a lesbian. When Allison came out to her father about lesbian and the experiences she was having, her father convinced her to read certain books and also he talks about experiencing things. In “Rape Fantasies” the magazines led to the wonders of how the characters in the story would be raped and what the outcome would be. In “Rape …show more content…

The characters in “Rape Fantasies” would try to prevent it from happening but they come to an understanding that they have no control of what’s going on. In Fun Home at a younger age Allison was not in control of her sexuality due to her father masking her sexuality. Allison would want to wear a guy’s type clothing and her hair a certain way that most girls wouldn’t wear but her father would not allow it to happen. Allison’s father struggled with being free and open with his sexuality due to his past. Allison’s father controls Alisson actions of being a girl because he wanted to be able to do those things that she could do. Both stories have someone in control of someone else’s situation. Allison and the characters in “Rape Fantasies” have similar situations to where they are curious about what is happening or what could happen due to the things that made them curious of there situations. Allison tries to understand her sexuality better. Leading to this curiosity, Allison thinks that she wouldn’t fit in because of her homosexuality which makes it harder to accept because of her dad trying to deal with it. Society makes it feel as though being homosexual is a bad thing. Allison having thoughts like this made it difficult for her to come out fully about being lesbian. Due to the magazine having the head line of “Rape

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