
Who Is Adolf Hitler Responsible For The Holocaust

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Government and Politics
Adolf Hitler was a jobless soldier in Germany after World War I. He joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or the Nazi Party, in 1919. He quickly became the party’s leader after demonstrating to be a powerful public speaker and organizer. The Great Depression had hit Germany’s economy hard because of war debts and dependence on American loans and investments. The German people also lacked confidence in their weak government. In addition, the treaty of Versailles caused widespread poitical discontent because it blamed Germany fo the war, forced them to pay reparations, and limited their military to 100,000 troops. In their desperation, Germans turned to Hitler as their last hope. The Nazis had become the …show more content…

Hitler began to execute people that he found unfit to be a part of his “master race” At the center of the Nazi’s target were the Jews. More than half of the people killed during the Holocaust were Jews. They were blamed Germanys failures and Germans even believed the Jews were responsible for their loss in World War I. They were stripped from their German Citizenship, jobs, property, and they were forced to attach the Star of David onto their clothing I order to make it easier to identify them. The Jewish people attempted to flee the country but had trouble finding a country that would accept them. Later, the Nazis began to force Jewish people relocate to the ghettos, sealed off by barbed wire and stone walls. From there they were sent to concentration camps, also known as labor camps, where their life was a cycle of hunger, humiliation, and work that almost always ended in death. However, for Hitler, overwork, starvation, beatings, and bullets weren’t killing Jews fast enough, so he imposed his “final solution” and built 6 death camps where he would kill his victims using poison gas. These death camps were capable of killing 12,000 people a

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