
Was Hitler The Sole Cause Of The Holocaust

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In spite of the fact that it is a commonly known historical piece of the Holocaust, it’s authenticity has been questioned. Some conspiracies deny that it even happened at all. Through the analyzation of Hitler’s own violent anti-Semitism, powerful position, and ability to convey Nazi propaganda into action, one can see how he is the sole cause of the Holocaust.
There are several various causes of the Holocaust event, the most common being the adamant hatred of Jewish people in the immediate community. Anti-Semitic views had already been widespread in Europe, even before Hitler’s time. It was believed that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Hitler had tried his hand at becoming a professional artist in Austria, but was struggling heavily. When he would see the Jewish people around living and doing better in life, his hatred grew--presumably out of jealousy. Germany’s defeat in World War I only made it worse. He, and other German soldiers, had blamed Jewish people even further for their loss. In the war only about one hundred-thousand Jews went to war, and only twelve-thousand were lost.
After the otherwise embarrassing war, Hitler joined the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, most commonly known as the Nazi Party. His ability to manipulate the people by the means of charming them with …show more content…

These types of people are called “Holocaust deniers”. One of the conspiracies they talk about is how the Holocaust was a huge scam created by the Jews and allied countries to their own advantage, and because there were not any salvaged papers about the Holocaust written by Hitler, that it was a misunderstanding through history. Not only is there enough evidence to prove that Hitler was the sole cause of the Holocaust, it should be apparent enough through the propaganda and the viscous nature he spoke of the

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