
Where I Stand Analysis

Decent Essays

Where I Stand - Writing Assignment

I am from a family with a dad, step-dad, mom, older sister, older brother, and then two younger half-brothers. I am at my best when I am surrounded with people who love me and who I love. I am a girl who enjoys comedy, mysteries, action, and yes, love stories. I am born and raised in Salt Lake City Utah, though I visit Baton Rouge Louisiana a lot. I am giving my all to go to Austin Texas University. I like watching movies, listening to music, drawing, writing, singing, dancing, and skating. I like watching movies, especially with my family, it’s exciting to see multiple reactions to whatever’s on the screen. Listening to music is my escape from everything, it’s my happy place. Even though I’m not a good …show more content…

Racism is a big problem, no matter who it’s against, I still think it’s wrong. Sexism is stuff I get all of the time, just because I’m a girl does not mean that I can’t do things that guys can (granted males can do a few things females can’t do, and males can’t do a few things that females can because of physical differences). Higher and lower social rank is meaningless, just because someone has more money or knows a few more people doesn’t mean that they are any better than anyone else. I despise mental and physical abuse, to anything or anyone. Abuse is incredibly wrong, you should never lay a hand on anyone or anything unless it is some sort of kindness. I do not care for hate in the world, it’s a nasty word that is used way too much, with a nasty and hurtful meaning. I am tired of how the world makes people, how rude people are, how nobody cares about anything anymore. The world itself doesn’t cause how people are, however people and things bring others to be sad and mad. I am tired of rude people are all around the world are. I am extremely tired on how people don’t care about anything. Most people don’t care about the environment, people, pets, wild animals, even their own lives. I am pretty tired of all of

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