
What's That Guy Doing In My Mouth Summary

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Gil (2015) Ch. 10 Q 1: “What are the most important aspects of this reading and why?” It was very interesting reading chapters 10 on “What’s That Guy Doing in My Mouth?” the most important aspects were finding out the cause of Mary Beth behavioral problem and why she was rebellious to her mother. The counselor notice that Mary Beth acted differently alone than when she was around her mother (Gil, 2015 p. 148-160). The counselor was able to identify the problems in Mary Beth family concerning her mother, father, and brother; which played a big part towards Mary Beth problematic behavior (Gil, 2015 p. 148-160). This was an important matter for the counselor to address, because it was causing Mary Beth to act out and become depressed. Q 2: “What important questions were raised or remain unanswered?” Important questions that raised but remain unanswered was “When did the rejection started in Lucia and George marriage and Why?” As well as “Why did Lucia emotionally neglected Mary Beth and gain more interest towards focusing only on Oscar?” To add, the story mentioned that George was moving out the house but never stated if it ended in divorce. Gil & Sobol (2005) Q 1: “What are the most important aspects of this reading and why?” …show more content…

In the article of engaging families in therapeutic play, it had so many stories but one story talked about a young girl who was molested by her father, however the mother and social worker was hesitant about allowing the father to move back in the home. In this short story, the counselor was able to use play therapy to detect if the father was ready to reunite with his family. During family therapy, the counselors are required to put the children in front position of therapy. This is important because it helps children to express themselves, and it enhances the interactions between children and

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