
Compare And Contrast Killings By Andre Dubus

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The short story Killings was written by Andre Dubus, in 1979. Dubus was born and raised in Lake Charles, Louisiana, where he attended a private school named Christian Brothers; and studied literature and writing. His short story Killings was later adapted into a film called In the Bedroom by Todd Fields. The film was nominated for five academy awards. The setting was a small coastal town of Camden, Maine One of the main characters of Killings was Matt Fowler. He was a father of three children, the youngest of which, Frank, was fatally shot in the face and chest by Richard Strout, who is both a murderer and the victim of the story. Matt was a loving father and devoted husband. They were a blue-collar family, in a blue-collar town. Matt worried …show more content…

Mary Ann was separated from her husband Richard due to infidelity. Matt was fond of Mary Ann, and just as he worried about his own children, he began to worry about Mary Ann and the troubles of her life. Matt and his wife, Ruth, had opposing views of their son’s relationship with Mary Ann. Ruth focused on all the negative aspects of Mary Ann; like having two young boys, her reputation which led to her separation from Richard, the fact that she was older than Frank, and most of all, not yet divorced. On the other hand, Matt saw the positive side of Frank and Mary Ann’s relationship. He knew Frank was happy, and related to his son’s fatherly role with Mary Ann’s boys. It was Matt and Ruth’s differing perspectives of their son’s relationship that was driving a wedge within their own marriage. Matt’s overwhelming struggle with the loss of his son fueled his insatiable desire to avenge his son’s death. That seed was possibly planted by his oldest son, Steve, who said, “I should kill him” (Dubus. 1), as he and Matt walked from Frank’s gravesite. Matt shared that secret with his friend Willis Trottier, who owned a diner in town, where both Frank and Matt would hang out from time to time. They would also have poker games in Willis’ basement. Willis could see the anguish that was tearing his friend, Matt, apart. Matt was being tormented by his son’s murderer, who was going on with his …show more content…

(qtd. In In the Bedroom, Longfellow) His words brought further silence in the room, as the men just sat speechless, their eyes not focused on anyone, or anything. Only Matt and Willis looked at each other as though they were communicating telepathically? I found it very fitting that Fields used Longfellow’s work, for Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine in 1807, and eventually moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts, and was a professor at Harvard University. Matt and Willis devised a plan to abduct Richard Strout, kill him, and leave him buried in a remote wooded section out of town, where he might never be discovered. They made him pack a suitcase, as if he was leaving on a trip, and put Greyhound Bus ticket information in his house to make it look as if he was jumping bail. They were successful, and their plan worked. Matt had the satisfaction of shooting Richard Strout with the fatal shot to the back of the head. Matt returned home, removed his clothes and put them in the wash, and went to bed. He laid there, still thinking of all that transpired. We may never know if the premeditated murder of Richard Strout cured the pain of losing his son, or if he and Ruth would return to a normal

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