
What is a Home? Essay

Decent Essays

The idea of home is a diverse and unimaginably audacious category to sum up in words. Home is many things and none are less vital then the next, but to narrow down the vast category of home, I will focus on the structure of what a home is. The structure of a home can be anything especially depending on where you look. Ranging from multi thousand square foot single family homes to high rise apartments and shacks on the side of mudslide prone hills, the design of a house can fill any number of categories. Each and every one of the homes we live in was designed by someone and constructed with the resources that are available or resources that can be brought in. Some choose to build a home that will stand for hundreds of years, others build …show more content…

As sad as it is and as awful as it is to say, our world flows on money. Structures are built with money. Property is bought with money. Every material needed is purchased with money or found. Money sadly is what builds a home. The size and quality of a home is usually directly related to how much is spent on the home. According to the 2012 United States Census, 82,000 contractor-built United States homes started in 2012, the average contract price was 270,500 dollars. The Social Security Office estimated that average annual income was 44,321.67 dollars. Of course homes are not paid for in cash, but this shows that average American families are unable to purchase or build a home. So the market for used homes is great, not only is this cheaper, but it saves space, it produces less waste, and generally provides an adequate home. Because of this never ending cycle of home switching and the deterioration of materials homes eventually become structures in need of repair or in worst case scenarios structures awaiting demolition. Some homes are demolished even before the time comes to make way for newer, better-looking, and more efficient structures that some argue fulfill the needs of home owners better then the now demolished home. The pile of rubbish created is rushed away to the nearest landfill and a new structure erected on the footprint of the destroyed classic home. Most of the time this happens in wealthy areas where land is in short supply. The needs/desires of

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