The word "Cancer" means a group of diseases that are characterized by unrestrained cellular development. It It refers to cellular intrusion into neighboring tis-sues and may turn into metastasise if not treated at early stage. The most widely diagnosed malignancy in males is prostate cancer. Peripheral zone of the gland is the place where prostate cancers are generally found. It constitutes a dense arrangement of cancerous epithelial cells commonly in small form, penetrating glands with a symmetrical de-crease in stromal volume [2]. B. Lee et al. [3] used tissue bio-impedance to differentiate between the diseases because morphological differences between normal and malignant prostate tissue are present and sensitivity of electrical im-pedance spectra to cellular structure was known. Bio-impedance is one of the properties referred to a tissue’s re-sistance when electrical current flows in the tissue. It also means the ability of tissue to store electrical charges. Bio-impedance normally depends on spacing of cells, cellular density and size, and the components of the extracellular ma-trix (ECM). Differences between the malignant and benign tissue impedance of can be a distinguishing criteria for pathological procedures for cancer detection [1]. Actually, it was shown by Skourou et al. [4] that when there is tumor, the tissue impedance may be more sensible than conventional imaging techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound imaging. Normal and neo-plastic
Cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases in 2012.2 The amount of new cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 2 decades. Cancer which causes nearly 1 in 6 deaths, is the second leading cause of death globally, and was responsible for 8.8 million deaths in 2015. Approximately 70% of deaths from cancer occur in low- and middle-income countries. In 2012 about 14.1 million new cases of cancer occurred globally (not including skin cancer other than melanoma).3 The most common types of cancer in males are lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer and stomach cancer.
Plain and simple, cancer sucks! It is a family disease. It takes a toll on the patient as well as an equal toll on their family members. What’s worst is not being able to be there full time lending a helping hand or offering words of encouragement to the love one that has been diagnosed with such a horrible illness. Now imagine the love one that is infected with this dreadful condition is your younger sibling, and it’s slowly zapping the life out of her, a woman that was so full of life and zest. For Rod Dreher, older brother to Ruthie Leming, and the writer of The Little Way of Ruthie Leming: A Southern Girl, A Small Town, and the Secret of a Good Life, the feeling was all too real. Ruthie’s battle with cancer tested Rod’s faith and helped him find his way back home, but the ordeal was difficult for him on two accounts, it meant returning to the small town he was so eager to escape, plus deal with the fact that his younger sister was bound to die from cancer.
Cancer is figured to be the second leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. With approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer related deaths in 2012, alone .Why are so many people stuck suffering with this deadly disease? Millions of dollars have been invested into cancer research, yet there is no cure. Are these pharmaceutical companies focus on finding a cure for cancer or concentrating on elongated treatments in order to lengthen their pockets? We must first understand that cancer is big business earning huge profits. Nonetheless, the cancer industry is spending virtually zilch of its multi-billion dollar resources on effective prevention strategies, like dietary guidelines, exercise, natural remedies and herbs proven to cure cancer. Instead, it pours its money into treating cancer, not preventing or allaying it.
I would refer a family friend or colleague to the American Cancer Society (ACS) website where a huge selection of support programs is offered throughout treatment and recovery (ACS, 2017c). There is an entire section dedicated to assisting with finding resources in whatever area someone is in or near and different programs from which to choose (ACS, 2017c). Visitors of the website can also filter their search based on an array of different choices ranging from, but not limited to, advocacy, assistance, information, referral, supplies, support groups, and transportation (ACS, 2017c). The website is also very easy to navigate with phone numbers and live chat options (ACS, 2017c).
It is said that three in five Americans will develop the horrible disease called cancer. Any living thing on this planet has the possibility of developing this uncontrollable disease. This includes scientists, medical doctors, regulators, owners of drug companies, along with their loved ones, meaning that they aren’t immune to cancer (“Big”). Many people in our society claim that the medical industry, along with the government, is keeping the cure to cancers suppressed. In figure 2 we see a perfect example of how society sees the scientists and doctors involved. This conspiracy has been around for quite some time and it’s mostly because some believe that the cancer war is just one big fraud (Michael Higgins). Such a conspiracy, is very
My mom’s doctor simply labeled cancer as an infectious disease caused by the abnormal division of cells within the body that affected people all over the world; however, in my life, cancer became the reason why my world froze and an illness forced me into adulthood at the young age of fourteen. Before I talk about my mom’s diagnosis, though, I should talk about my life before my mom got sick: easy going, comfortable, and effortless. My mom and I shared a relationship that could be labeled as the ultimate best friends; nevertheless, I was fourteen and people may say I knew exactly how to annoy my parents. I was attending a catholic school where I took advantage of every Friday and Saturday night out, resulting in me getting in trouble with my parents a lot. After each screaming fight about why I didn’t call home or how I never got in before curfew, I could feel my parents growing more disappointed in me. The words “does everything we say to you go in one ear and out the other” became more relatable as each weekend passed. Then I blinked and my whole world had changed for the worse.
In the Topic of Cancer, Christopher Hitchens writes about his experience with Cancer and uses various claims in order to provide an audience with a well-written rhetorical essay. The Topic of Cancer begins with Hitchens describing the morning he found out he had cancer. He remembers feeling like death, literally. Throughout the essay, Hitchens uses claims and rhetorical statements to help the audience who cannot personally relate to cancer. I have had more than my fair share of experiences with cancer. My sister, niece, and mother were all diagnosed with cancer. Sadly, only my mother survived the “battle” against the “new territory,” as Hitchens describes it. Cancer patients should be thoroughly informed about their cancer treatment options that evaluate issues such as life expectancy and the quality of life they will be living in order for the patients to make informed decisions about the treatment they choose to receive.
In response to your comment about cancer/pain: I agree that the child may have not made an "error" and developed cancer, but the errors of his/her parents or the society could have. In cancers/diseases, some kind of abnormality occurs, and usually something caused this. Parents that reproduce, while they are carriers of a disease/cancer, pass those genes onto that child. The environment around them (e.g., pollution) is a result of the errors that other people make. I am not saying that that errors we make only causes ourselves to suffer, but they can make others suffer too. The genes, environment, and everything else could have caused a child to have cancer. These factors are "errors" that were made by other humans. However, it is impossible
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the understanding of cancer in the Hmong community, in Fresno. If there is limited access to resources or is it just lack of understanding or a barrier between the cultures. What is preventing them to be screen. Providing Prevention methods would be the first step. Early detection with screening for those who are high risk for gastric cancer, with familial history. Since Helicobacter Pylori infection is more common in Asian population. The focus would be to try using the same screening method that is being done in Japan and Korea. Educating the Hmong community on Gastric cancer, the signs and symptoms and screening workups that are done specifically for gastric cancer. Providing information on risk factors like lifestyle, diet and etc. Cultural belief would be incorporated as well.
In today’s society, cancer is a deadly disease that takes the lives of thousands upon thousands of people every year. It can occur in any part of the human body, such as in the lungs, stomach, and heart. Someone having cancer is a difficult situation that is not very easy to overcome. The reason is because cancer is known for having a “cellular reproduction” that does not end (Mader 134). Furthermore, the reason why most people usually get cancer is due to a large percentage of cigarettes being used. This is one of the most common tobacco products that cause people to have cancer, as it contains a mixture of different chemicals. Each year people will smoke cigarettes, and later they begin to feeling sick in an instant. This paper will discussed
My students were, for once, captivated. Two days each term, they stow their dislike for science when we talk about cancer. This is something they can finally relate to and connect with on a deeper level. What I strive to teach them is that cancer is not a simple disease or disorder. There will never be a single cure for cancer because it is caused by mutation after mutation, with no two patients following the same path.
Cancer affects millions of people throughout the Unites States and throughout the world. Cancer is a disease where cells grow and divide uncontrollably along with developing malignant tumors that spread, causing the body to essentially break down from within. Because cancer generally resides in the cells, genetics and age both play a large role in the probability for contracting cancer. Once one is diagnosed with a form of the disease, there are many different tests and procedures that are performed. An individual’s risk in developing the disease may be a list of things such as genetics, age, as well as the way one is living their day to day life. Cancer affects a person by way of their outlook on life, their overall health, and their family and social life.
Cancer is a harmful disease that is caused by uncontrolled dividing of abnormal cells. This disease can affect people of all ages and ethnic groups. However, there are many types of cancer that attacks different parts of the body. Cancer can happen in any body part or in the organs and tissues of the body. Tumors are a part of cancer and theses happen when swelling of a body part is caused by unusual growth of that tissue. Examples of cancer is: brain, lung, liver, prostate, skin, stomach, breast, and ovarian. The disease starts with alterations happening in one cell and the alterations are in the DNA. The DNA mutation can be a duplication of the DNA sequence and a single change in the sequence can lead to the product of mutant protein. These mutations can disrupt the cell’s life cycle and the growth and that can lead to the development of more tumors.
Cancer is the transformation of normal cells into malignant (harmful) cells. This transformation is the consequence of a genetic mutation of the DNA in normal cells due to an overexposure to carcinogens, chemicals, radiation, trauma, viral infections or chronic inflammations. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, “in 2013 over 500 Canadians were to be diagnosed with cancer everyday, and over 200 Canadians were to die from it everyday” (, which means cancer is a lot more common than we would like to think. Fortunately, latest advances in medical technology make it easier to detect potential malignant masses quickly. Cancer signs and symptoms can be helpful in the diagnostic of the disease. Some people will consult a doctor as soon as they start feeling ill, cancer can then be caught in its early stages. Other people will ignore whatever signs and symptoms they have and might associate them to something as insignificant as a flu, cancer is then often caught late. There are different types of treatment available for different types of cancer. Establishing the right therapeutic plan is a lot easier when a cancer is detected at a early stage. A lot of side effects related to the different cancer treatments have been experienced due to their strength. The best way to cure cancer is to prevent it. Actions can be undertaken to prevent the proliferation of malignant cells
Millions of people in the world know someone or have personally been afflicted with the disease that causes uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body, better known as cancer. In the US alone half of all men and one third of all women will develop cancer at some point in their life. There are over 100 known cancers and they all, even when treated or caught early can lead to serious illness and death. This is why researchers and doctors everywhere are looking for answers to cure these diseases and stop cancer in its tracks. Many cancers have been analyzed and great steps of progress have been made into cancer prevention, spotting the development of cancer cells early, and finding treatments to cure people who have been affected with the disease. One topic scientist have taken particular interest in is the miR-200 family and its role in tumor angiogenesis regulation. In a paper written by Pecot et al (2013), Tumor angiogenesis regulation by the miR-200 family, scientist investigated the miR-200 family's role in inhibiting the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, which suggests it inhibits metastasis. The researchers hypothesized through direct and indirect mechanisms, the miR-200 family will show angiogenesis inhibition by regulating interleukin-8 and CXCL1 secreted by the tumour endothelial and cancer cells. This review will delve into the mir-200 family members, methods used by the researchers, and results that were obtained.