
What is Cancer?

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The word "Cancer" means a group of diseases that are characterized by unrestrained cellular development. It It refers to cellular intrusion into neighboring tis-sues and may turn into metastasise if not treated at early stage. The most widely diagnosed malignancy in males is prostate cancer. Peripheral zone of the gland is the place where prostate cancers are generally found. It constitutes a dense arrangement of cancerous epithelial cells commonly in small form, penetrating glands with a symmetrical de-crease in stromal volume [2]. B. Lee et al. [3] used tissue bio-impedance to differentiate between the diseases because morphological differences between normal and malignant prostate tissue are present and sensitivity of electrical im-pedance spectra to cellular structure was known. Bio-impedance is one of the properties referred to a tissue’s re-sistance when electrical current flows in the tissue. It also means the ability of tissue to store electrical charges. Bio-impedance normally depends on spacing of cells, cellular density and size, and the components of the extracellular ma-trix (ECM). Differences between the malignant and benign tissue impedance of can be a distinguishing criteria for pathological procedures for cancer detection [1]. Actually, it was shown by Skourou et al. [4] that when there is tumor, the tissue impedance may be more sensible than conventional imaging techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound imaging. Normal and neo-plastic

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