
What You Get Out Of Cadets Analysis

Decent Essays

What You Get Out of Cadets is What You Put into it - My Experience The night that I first joined army cadets. It was early September of 2013, and the sun was just beginning to set when our car pulled up in front of Cartier Square Drill Hall, the home of the 2784 Governor General's Foot Guards Cadets Corps. My heart raced from a mix of nervousness and excitement when I threw open the car door and took my first steps towards the looming building in front of me. The drill hall itself was extraordinary; two tower-like structures flanked a red brick building with windows extending across the walls. Passing through the main set of doors, there were over three dozen smiling cadets I didn’t recognize. Each cadet was dressed similarly in linden green collared shirts and dark green dress pants. But the more senior cadets had sashes and fancy black forage caps. I remember one senior cadet told all of us about his experiences at summer camp. Everyone laughed as he spoke animatedly about what he claimed to be ‘The best summer of his life’. He ended his speech with a phrase: What you get out of cadets is what you put into it. At first, I didn’t think much about his last sentence. I was too busy learning complicated new movements in a rectangular platoon formation. But soon enough, I heard the phrase again: “What you get out of cadets is what you put into …show more content…

The cadet motto is acer acerpori, meaning ‘As the Maple, so the Sapling’. Regardless, there must have been an important reason that I kept hearing the same phrase. As weeks passed and I familiarized myself more with the cadet culture, I began to wonder, how can I get more involved in this program, and how can I get the most out of it? Almost as quickly as I asked, I found the answer; Orienteering tryouts had begun. However, I has no idea what orienteering was! I asked the red stars for guidance, and they were extremely supportive and made me promise to come to next week's

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