
AMT: Influencing Future Leaders

Decent Essays

Most people enjoyed living in Colorado and the opportunity to take care of their cadets and influence them to become better leaders. One AMT expressed that his AOC treated him like a secretary and as a result of the poor relationship with his AOC he was on medicaiton. “I enjoy living in Colorado and seeing the cadets succeed and grow, (10x)” “I enjoy the location,” “Not having to deploying because in my previous AFSC I was constantly leaving my family,” “Influencing future leaders (3),” “Working with cadets,” “Interacting with cadets (10x),” “Everyday is not the same old story,” “Teaching cadets to appreciate NCOs,” “NCLS programs are fantastic,” “Not being micromanaged and AOCs are treated like CCs to make decisions,” “Shaping cadets into better leaders,” “Interaction with cadets and seeing them develop leadership skills,” “Watching cadets grow from freshman to the time they graduate,” “Interaction with 4 degrees specifically because they are more open to feedback,” “The people and working with my boss and the bosses boss,” “I like the job because it is different,” “I like taking care of my enlisted and FGOs,” “Taking care of my …show more content…

He held grudges, he was fake and blasphemed everyone and told us we are wrong. And he never took into consideration the full story. Group One does not win awards,” “Building communication with kids and see them go off to do great

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