
What Makes Good Writing? Essay

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This for me was a very hard question to answer due to the fact that its an opinion, and there are very many types of writing. Different structures, ideas, metaphors, and concepts. You have to remember to ask, whether the writing in itself is good in my point of view or not, has to answer to my specific guidelines which in your case might not be the same. The first and foremost of the many guidelines is how the author set's up the introductory sentence or better yet, the hook. If the author for example, is writing a cook-book, his first sentence should be appealing to the sense of taste. For example, If you are writing on how to bake a chocolate cake, you can sound appealing by saying, it will almost feel like you added a hint of heaven …show more content…

Obviously the reader wont stay keyed in if you aren't, but I'm talking about making sense in a way where the reader can relate to you. Give an example of a situation that most people go through in everyday life. The main idea that authors need to keep with them is the power of the authors words relays only upon the reader.

Another huge element in good writing is production. You can be interesting, you can sound great, but if your story is just not headed anywhere the reader will eventually lose focus and move on. Even if you have many details surrounding your story, try to focus in on the ones that play key roles. A lot of readers talk about how something happened more then why. I like to hear the reasons for why rather then for how because if you already know the climax of the story you really wouldn't wanna track your steps back, though informing the reader why can actually spice things up.

The biggest factor that plays in good writing in my opinion is how much emotion the writer puts into his or her work. Honestly, a good reader will be able to tell how much effort was put into a writing from the first couple of sentences. If the reader gets a sense of the writing trying to force words into a sentence or trying to stretch out a page you will lose your reader right then and there. If you honestly believe in what you are writing and have interest in the subject matter the reader will be able to read between the lines and actually have a feeling of being there,

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