
What Makes Family Law Flaw

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Family Law, to me, is a very interesting type oflaw. It has so much variety to it, whether it be divorce, child custody, wills, criminal law, juvenile law, and a whole lot more. All of this adds a challenge because of all these fields family law can cover. A paralegal has to be well prepared and willing to handle all of these potential areas not only professionally but emotionally as well. A lot of the clients will be in a emotional state of distraught and need support from the legal team that as the legal team that is representing said person, will do their best to ensure that we provide the best services in order to make our client as happy as possible and try to achieve their desired outcome, whether defending or working with the plaintiff.

As a paralegal, I believe I would rather represent the plaintiff side of the case. I say this because in my opinion the plaintiff; in the family law field, is usually the one that has been emotionally hurt or has been wronged in some type of way. Needless to say, in all cases that may not be accurate but I believe that in any form oflaw; as a paralegal, there might not be a person that a paralegal would want to defend, regardless as any paralegal working for the client they must represent and do their best to help them in any way that a paralegal could within their power. …show more content…

Knowing that every person coming into a family law office may or may not be someone I want to represent or help is something that I acknowledge but as a professional I would do the best job I could anyway. I believe that most of those people coming in though, truly need help in their situation, and I would happy as well as satisfied knowing that in the end of the day I did my best to help someone out in their problems in life. Nothing else could make me happier knowing I made a difference in someone's life in trying to make it better for them. That is the main reason I would like to work in a family law

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