
What Is The Byproduct Of War?

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To cover every individual artist who has attempted the feat (and has been duly credited) of exhibiting the gruesome, repugnant realities of human bloodshed, (for the geopolitical gain of natural resources and territorial control,) as the byproduct of war; would be a vary daunting task, as I would never feel completely confident and accurately aware of all attempts made by those groups who remained in the underground territories of the commercial music world. So I will simply choose a few individual groups who I am personal familiarized with, as to link a deeper understanding with contemporary cohesive events. Many groups simply speak of the negative ramifications of war lyrically or place the focus of the overall demonstrative within the …show more content…

Chora, as defined by Kapchan in Keywords of Sound, refers to the “space of continuity where sound, shapes, sensations do not belong to anyone, they simply are” (Kristeva 1982, 1984). Personally, this intersection is where I perceive the dichotomy to rest between groups whom are representing the extremities of war through onomatopoeia (harsh, industrial, machine noise) measures and from those who use a phenomenological mode of language and speech to broadcast their reactionary response to the advent of war. Phenomenology and onomatopoeia, due to the human tendencies of categorization, appear to be mutually exclusive engagements but this is actually just the populist outcome found in the lineage of commercial music and is not true for the totality of past and present artists. An example of a preformative artistic group, which proves that the mere binary and mutual exclusion between onomatopoeia and phenomenological events is insufficient, is the Japanese hardcore band G.I.S.M., founded in 1980 in Tokyo, Gizumu (as pronounced in Japanese,) was a central pioneer of the fusion of industrial and Avant-Garde styles hybridized with the free expression of the reactionary and preformative politics of war, nestled within the context of punk music. The heuristic outcome was an experience that transcended the conformities and limitations

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