
What Is The Author's Craft In The Hobbit

Decent Essays

Author's craft essay
By:Abbey Short

Most people pass when it comes to going on an adventure. In The Hobbit J.R.R. Tolkien is about a character named Bilbo going on an adventure. Tolkien uses multiple author’s craft moves to help the make a claim. In The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien he uses symbolism, dialogue, and mood to develop the characters in the novel.

In The Hobbit Tolkien uses the note the dwarves leave on Bilbo’s mantle above his fireplace. This helps symbolize the beginning of a journey for self improvement. At first Bilbo is undoubtedly very different in the beginning then he is at the end of the book. Bilbo prefers not to risk his life, in fact he did not choose to go on the journey. He was actually forced to go by Gandalf. Bilbo was not who you think would lead a risky adventure. In the first few chapters Bilbo is very fearful and not very brave. Some may argue that Bilbo is not brave and and although this is a good point it fails to account for the fact that he was willing to risk his life or even die just to go see Smaug. …show more content…

Especially the change in personality. You also see changes in other characters such as Thorin. The author uses dialogue and symbolism to to show the changes in Thorin. Thorin desperately wants the arkenstone once he is crowned king. While certainly it could be said that Thorin did not want the arkenstone and wanted to show his people he was powerful, although that is a good point it fails to account for this quote “ For the arkenstone of my father,... is worth more than a river of gold itself, and to me it is beyond the

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