
Analysis Of The Book ' The Hobbit '

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Going forward, in this essay, topics such as heroism and transformity will be strongly analyzed through quotes directly from the book The Hobbit and opinions formed while reading. Through the book The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien is able to show how a hero isn’t always the typical buff and boots with a cape on his back kind of person. Tolkien shows the reader that a hero is made by the struggles he conquers and isn’t just a perfect character thrown into the beginning of the story.
Generally, The Hobbit takes place in many different places as listed and described below but the time period is considered to be set in the years of 2941 and 2942 of the Third Age (before the Lord of the Rings)
The Hill: More commonly referred to as “Bag End”, The Hill was a smial where the Baggins family and later the Gardner family resided. A smial is described as the Hobbit’s style of dwelling, holes in the hillside, during the late Third Age while most other Hobbit-holes had been replaced by buildings made of wood or brick. In the beginning of the novel, the reader is entered into Bag End with descriptions surrounding them such as “a perfectly round door like a porthole...with a shiny yellow brass knob” (Tolkien, 3) and “panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted” (Tolkien, 3). Lone-Lands: The Lone-Lands was a name used by the Hobbits to describe an area of wilderness east of the land of Bree. The Lands held the Weather Hills and Weathertop, once seen as a vision of vigilance and now seen as a

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