The acronym SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome though, it is also known as crib or cod death. Specifically, it is defined as an unknown death of a seemingly healthy baby in its sleep, usually due to an apparent spontaneous standstill of an infant’s breathing. Although, SIDS is a very unexpected event it may potentially be associated with a portion of an infant’s brain which controls their breathing and arousal of sleep. In fact, SIDS is much more common than most think; as stated by Babies Breath Canada, approximately 150 babies die from SIDS each year. That means that 1 in every 2000 babies is affected by this dieses in Canada
The reason for SIDS is unknown; however, research has shown that there are multiple possible factors that
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One of the most controversial behaviours parents can do is adjust the babies sleeping environment. There have been multiple arguments on this topic; however, research has shown that a babies sleeping environment can impact their sleeping safety tremendously. Some safety precautions all care givers can do is: placing the baby on their back to sleep, keeping the crib clean and clear of any toys or pillows, don’t overheat the baby with clothes or blankets instead try a sleeping sack, and lastly allow the baby to sleep in the caregivers room for the first six months or until the infant is capable of rolling over on their own. Another way to help prevent SIDS is by using a pacifier. Strangely enough, pacifiers can reduce the risk of SIDS due to the fact that they help prevent a baby from going into a deep sleep. Though, caregivers need to take precaution when doing this if an infant is breast feeding as they should not be introduced to pacifiers until they are nursing well. Consequently, one of the easiest ways to prevent SIDS is to not ignore sicknesses, especially respiratory related issues. In the first year of an infant’s life something as simple as a cough or old can impact them greatly. By taking an infant to a clinic, doctor, or even the emergency room as soon as any signs of sickness strike could save their life. Ultimately, there is no guaranteed that these precautions will work and unfortunately SIDS does happen. Despite that, there are multiple ways for caregivers to cope with this