
What Is Random Chance In Match Point

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It is game point in the world tennis championship, the player swings and the ball hits full force on top the top of the net. The ball goes straight up, as it comes down it hits the net and falls back to the side the player hit it from and he loses. Who would he blame, a higher power or random chance. In the movie Match Point by Woody Allen, there is a there is a strong relationship between fate being determined random chance. There are many points during the movie where the characters fate is determined by random chance. When the Chris's wife is trying to become pregnant there were many times when it does not work out, and he made Nola pregnant the first time they did not use protection. When Chris throws the ring and it bounces off and lands …show more content…

Firstly, Chris and his wife had try to have a child many, many times and it just was not working out, it is clear they tried many times before when Chole says: "I was kind of hoping we might, you know...before you went to work. It's my time of the month and remember the doctor said we really should try and do it as often as we possibly can in the morning" (Allen). But when he has sexual intercourse with Nola without protection for the first time she becomes pregnant. It is very clear, Chole not getting pregnant after many attempts is just back luck and Nola getting pregnant on the first attempt is very bad luck, showing that it was all just a random chance. Secondly Chris throws the ring and it bounces back off the railing. He tried to throw in into the river but it bounces off of the railing and lands on the ground. The fact that the ring bounces of the railing instead of going right into the water in pure chance, if there was even a little bit more power in his throw it would have went right into the water. Furthermore, when Chris walks away after throwing the ring, a drug addict notices it and picks it up and puts in into his pocket. The chance of a person finding a ring lying on the

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