
How Is Chris Mccandless Selfish

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Media always makes thing out to be better than what they actually are, including the land of Alaska. While many people think they want to live off the land what they’re really getting themselves into is a death wish. Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer is about a man named Chris McCandless who is a victim of himself. Christopher McCandless stands out because he was naive to all the danger around him such as harsh weather conditions, minimum food supply, and wild animals. This character can be described as arrogant, selfish, and foolish. Alex, also known as Chris can be described as arrogant for many reasons. He always wanted to do things the way he wanted to and anytime he couldn’t he would make sure whoever made the rules knew they didn’t have control of him. On page 40 it says ”Chris would comply to with the rules, but as soon as his shift was …show more content…

In one instance he was offered a ride to get proper gear, but rejected the proposal. On page 6 it says ”Gallien offered to drive Alex all the way to Anchorage, buy him some decent gear, and drive him wherever he wanted to go. “No thanks anyway,” Alex replied, “I’ll be fine with what i”ve got.” It is apparent that he is foolish to not take the very generous offer from a stranger who owes him nothing. He didn’t realize what he had, he could've been someone of his own in a different way that allowed him to survive but how he set out was setting himself up for failure. On page 71 it says ”Entering the wilderness purposefully ill-unprepared, and surviving a near death experience does not make you a better human, it makes you damn lucky.” Therefore if his way of going about things were different he might have been able to actually survive. So it is clear that Chris is foolish for not being more prepared and accepting of help when offered, it maybe could’ve changed his

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