
What Is Power In Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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I think Jekyll's desire to search for knowledge is a good characteristic to have. Knowledge can be power. However, the way in which one uses the power one has can be very hurtful to the people around you and to yourself. You have to have the "good sense" to know when to stick with what you are doing and to walk away when necessary. Mr. Utterson tells the story from first person point of view. His point of view is, however, subjective as he is not really the main protagonist. Utterson is a flat enough character to let the reader discover clues to the case as they unfold to Utterson. He is also a fairly reliable character to take us through the case. The same could not be said for Dr. Jekyll. I think he wrote the story to protray good vs. evil and how it is hard for people with Bi-Polar disorder to live with it. Also how people struggle with different personallies. But in the end the evil wins because Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde died. Evil is just too strong then some good in this world. …show more content…

Hyde. We might be get a different persoective on the doctor and his reasons for the experimentation. We might even find ourselves in a position where we'd empathize with Hyde based upon his own inability to fight Jekyll's potion. I think Hyde's perspective of the affair would be fascinating. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the same person. Dr. Jekyll believed that people have two personally, an evil, and a sane side. Dr. Jekyll creates a medicine to control his bad side which is Mr. Hyde. I think that Dr. Jekyll wanted to erase the evil side of people so that there will be no more crime or madness in the world. He expreimented on myself and he lost

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