
What Is Esoteric Testing?

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The author’s construction of the title and abstract appear to be clearly set out, appropriately describing its content. This summarises the method and results for a research topic inveterate to both training and rehabilitation (Davies et al., 2015) which has received continuous, repeated attention over approximately the last 50 years; framed chronologically with multiple examples (Asmussen and Bonde-Peterson, 1974; Bauer et al., 1990; Almoslim, 2016). Sprinting only accounts for 1% of all movements for youth soccer players (Harley et al., 2010), so aptness of using the term ‘athletic performance’ is a little uncertain. Additionally, the 10m sprint and a 30m sprint are measured within the same drill, whereas these actions would take place …show more content…

Furthermore, the topic within that study covers the impact of plyometrics on both jumping and running, again potentially questioning the topic rationale. Materials and methods The coverage of ethics is indubitable, with referencing of the declaration of Helsinki (WMA, 2013) being excellent. Although it can only be assumed that the subjects, described as healthy, had attained a certain level of soccer-specific fitness prior to the study, appropriate informed parental consent had been sought. One area of concern is training volume, when combined with the existing weekly training the additional plyometrics could prove harmful, with an extra 160m of jumping added. Overtraining is common amongst youth athletes (Matos et al., 2011) and close monitoring should be taking place to ensure minimal physiological and psychological impact (Matos, 2010). In accordance with best practice, and appropriately referenced, the players were familiarised and gradually introduced to the drills. The study group consisted of 21 participants, in accordance with Patton’s pragmatic 30 subject argument (2001). The 20 randomly selected subjects put forward by Meadows (2003), also indicates the avoidance of bias by Michailidis. The testing mechanics are both well described and displayed in an easy to read table and performed using industry standard instruments. The prescribed

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