
What Is Anorexia Nervosa

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The Eating Disorder: Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is a life threatening eating disorder. This eating disorder is when someone decides that they need to starve themselves. They do this because they are hoping to lose a lot of weight quickly. Anorexia nervosa is a medical condition that can become very serious. This eating disorder takes place in the mind of the individual that has it. This means that the person thinks that they are overweight and that they need to lose weight. This happens even though the person might be at a healthy weight. When having this eating disorder, the person has a fear of gaining any weight and they believe that their life would be better if they were thinner. One fact about anorexia nervosa that could be useful …show more content…

Some of these can be very fatal and can result in death. These symptoms include lower heart rate and blood pressure. This means that the individual also has a high risk of heart failure. The person also has a reduction of bone density which results in dry brittle bones. The person will also experience muscle loss and weakness which is very unhealthy. This, along with severe dehydration is common with a person that has anorexia nervosa. Severe dehydration is also a main factor that results in kidney failure. This means that the risk of kidney failure has also risen. A person with anorexia is also likely to faint often, have dry hair and experience hair loss, dry and scaly skin (often with a yellow coating), and overall weakness throughout their entire body. Some other symptoms are a loss of body temperature, constipation, cold hands and feet, and brittle …show more content…

For one, it is an eating disorder that I am somewhat familiar with, and I know that it is one of the more common kinds of eating disorders. I also chose to write about anorexia nervosa because I thought that it would be helpful if I knew some facts about it just in case I encounter it with someone in my lifetime. I also chose this topic because I thought that it would be something that I am actually interested in. This is definitely a good reason because I would not like to have a horrible time researching facts about anorexia nervosa. Instead I actually could not enjoy, but not mind doing my homework. Again, knowing about this eating disorder would be helpful for me in the future, so I think that I made the right choice when it became time to choose what essay topic that we wanted to write

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