
Anorexia Nervos A Psychological And Physical Causes And Consequences Of Anorexia

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Every time you view your reflection in a mirror, the sight of your body horrifies you. You have become so brainwashed to believe that your body is unacceptable, that you have formed an obsession with being smaller. This is how people with eating disorders feel. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) (2016), about one-fifth of people with anorexia are related to at least one person with the disorder. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder with mainly adolescent victims. Different studies have been able to identify some of the psychological and physical causes and consequences of anorexia. Many people dismiss anorexia nervosa as a short-lived adolescent disorder, but most do not realize the disease’s long-lasting implications on health and how crucial it is to seek treatment. The UMMC (2016) defines anorexia nervosa as, “an emotional disorder that focuses on food, but many researchers believe it is an attempt to deal with perfectionism and a desire to gain control by strictly regulating food and weight”. The McGill Journal of Medicine (2007) states that some of the causes of anorexia are refusal to maintain adequate body weight and intense fear of gaining weight. Other causes of anorexia have been identified as severe trauma, stress, abnormal serotonin levels, an environment that promotes thin body image, want for perfectionism, and family history of eating disorders (UMMC, 2016). It is no surprise that the body image that society portrays as being

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