
What Happened In The 1940's

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Have you ever wondered what event happened in the 1940’s that had the biggest effect on the United States? Have you ever wanted to know more about the attack on Pearl Harbor? In the 1940’s the attack on Pearl Harbor forced the United States into a war. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in the 1940’s it changed the United States in many ways.
There are many events that happened in the 1940’s including the attack on Pearl Harbor. For example, “The Great Depression and World War II cast long shadows over American life in the 1940s.” (The 1940’s 1). This shows that many horrible events happened in the 1940’s. The attack on Pearl Harbor was an addition to World War II. In addition, “The late 1940s marked the beginning of the Cold War. Fear of …show more content…

They had to control many of the wars to make sure they didn’t get out of hand. The Cold War was one of the many they had to contain. Finally, “In 1941 as many as 40 percent of all American families lived below poverty level. Nearly eight million workers earned less than the legal minimum wage. Another eight million Americans were unemployed” (The 1940’s 1). This shows that the United States was in poverty before the attack on Pearl Harbor. They could not get out of poverty until World War II was over. The events that happened in the 1940’s put the United States into poverty.
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The United States was watching what was going on in the war but they weren’t thinking about if they were going to get involved. When the war started “The [United States] was thinking about the war in Europe, but they weren’t thinking about their involvement in the war in Europe” (“How America Changed After Pearl Harbor” 3). The United States should have been preparing to go to war, so that when something happened like the attack on Pearl Harbor they were …show more content…

The ships were being destroyed, “during the Pearl Harbor attack, there were 96 ships anchored. 18 either sunk or were seriously damaged. 8 of them were battleships” (Barker 47). Japan did lots of damage to ships that were anchored, many others were also damaged but not as bad. The U.S. had to figure out a way to get those ships back for the war. Also many planes were destroyed “Ninety-four navy and 65 army planes were destroyed and many others damaged” (McComas 90). The attack was not only with ships, but also with many planes. There were actually about the same amount of planes as there were boats. The ships sent from Japan were “six carriers, eleven destroyers, two battleships, two heavy cruisers, one light cruiser, three submarines and eight supporting

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