
Ww2 Dbq Analysis

Decent Essays

From 1939 to 1945, the WWII era experienced some positive and some negative changes in minority groups in the political, economic,and social categories.

Minority groups accomplished negative changes political changes during the WWII era. We as americans are given five rights through the first amendment to the constitution; freedom of speech, religion, press, peaceful assembly, and petition. Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 gave powers to the Military Commanders, to determine whether anyone was excluded, could enter, remain in, or leave a designated military segregation (Doc C). This document was made as part of the Executive Order #9066, a form of discrimination towards a certain nations people that weren't part of the allied powers. This took …show more content…

Additionally, concentration camps in Germany were also similar to the internment camps that we put the japanese into. The people in the internment camps felt as if they were “trapped like rats in a wired cage” (Doc D) Many people in the Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany had felt the same way. None of the people in these camps had committed a crime, yet they were treated as if they did. The Japanese in the Internment Camps knew that putting them in a segregated location was only for our nation's defense. For the Japanese minority group, the war did not bring positive changes. Not only was there negative political changes, there was also negative and positive economic changes. During the WWII era minority groups experienced some positive and negative economic changes. Before the war, the people in the United States had to experience the Great Depression. This was a time of poverty, starvation, and ultimate hardships. During the war,

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