Over time there has been a growing focus towards the environmental consequences that the world faces at present due to the constant global use of fossil fuels. Increasing fuel prices and the high cost of fuel imports have caused the issue of depleting Crude Oil supplies to become a global concern. Determining whether Biofuels deliver benefits over fossil fuels requires thorough investigation into factors such as direct and indirect inputs and outputs for their full production and life cycles. Throughout this report current and well supported public data will be presented on focusses covering; fuel prices, production plant efficiencies, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and other environmental effects. Introduction
With the growing search to find a viable alternative to oil-based energy, the development of other energy sources has become more relevant than ever. With fuels derived from biomass or biological sources gradually receiving more attention, could they be the solution to the increasing problem of tackling climate change. The main purpose of this report is to give a clear understanding of what petroleum and biodiesel are, and also to provide a general comparison between the two, in order to draw a conclusion on weather biodiesel can be classed as a long term viable alternative to more conventional fossil fuels such as petroleum.
What is Petroleum?
Petroleum which is also known as crude oil or simply just oil, is a fossil fuel that is formed from the decomposition
Petroleum is created over millions of years from dead alagae that goes to the bottom of the ocean and is buried beneath the surface.
Anything containing oil has been an increasing problem to the environment and to people. The toxicants that the oil produce harms people with their health. In the film Fuel, the director Josh Tickell talks about how crops can produce fuel, which produces cleaner air and is safer for the public. There are also other ways that Biofuel could be produced, such as adding human waste onto algae. The way that society utilizes oil is hurting the world, which in fact is affecting the human population and environment, but people only realize it until it is too late. With biofuel people would not be in danger and it could be produced without struggling to find oil.
Initial research has shown that biodiesel, liter for liter, generates about 90 percent of the heat of traditional fossil fuels, and the resulting air emissions are significantly lower in sulphur, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. Burning these fuels also does not contribute to global warming. Fossil fuels increase the amount of carbon in the atmosphere because the carbon they release upon combustion has been locked away for millennia. The carbon released by the combustion of biodiesel first had to be removed from the atmosphere by the plant that produced the oils it was derived from. Thus, no net gain occurs when said carbon is released. Biodiesel is also safer for people and the environment since it is non-toxic and biodegradable. Oil spills will no longer be multi-million dollar environmental catastrophes.
Biofuels are an essential commodity when it comes to reducing carbon emissions from transportation. The production of biofuels produced from raw materials will ensure the availability of biofuels to maintain the biofuel industry
Biobutanol is a more feasible alternative to gasoline. It is a more viable motor fuel substitute to gasoline, as biomass – from which biobutanol is derived from – is readily available for production and more importantly is a renewable resource. Gasoline is a crude oil product derived from petroleum, which is finite and unsustainable as a motor fuel, because it is increasingly being used up faster than it is being produced. It is expected that with continued research, biobutanol could eventually surpass gasoline as the primary motor fuel. Evidence proves that biobutanol is more acceptable environmentally than gasoline and conveniently, biomass is readily available for the steady production of biobutanol. Biobutanol is more advantageous
Petroleum is a thick and flammable mixture of gaseous, liquid and solid hydrocarbons that occurs naturally beneath the earth’s surface. It can be separated into fractions including natural gas fuels, lubricating oils and so on. There are some major oil producing regions around the globe. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia’s crude oil fields are the largest. But in Texas, the former world’s major oil region is now almost completely dry. The real catalyst for petroleum production is World War I. It is being produced in large amount during the war. Petroleum is a commercial product in this modern era. Sometimes, petroleum and crude oil are used to mean the same thing, or in other words, petroleum products after crude oil is refined in a factory. There are
The one theory that I chose from the five theories of aggression is frustration aggression. The frustration aggression theory is being describes as frustration which is blocking of a goal creates a motive for aggression. Fear of Punishment or disapproval may cause the aggressive behavior to be displaced against some other target, or oneself. As an example, last week I was trying to take a test for this class; however, I did not pay attention on the date that is supposed to be posted it. My birthday was on friday, so I wanted to take it so I can be free over the weekend. Soon as I opened up my computer on the test page , it was blank with the time running. I freak out; on top it my boyfriend would not stop blowing up my phone. I became very
For over forty years now, scientists and researchers have been tirelessly searching for an alternative to fossil fuels. Biofuels have become an interesting contender in the search for the replacement of the non-renewable energy source. Biofuels have been used throughout history for over thousands of years. There is a large debate over biofuels and its true impact on the environment. Those involved in the discussion debating whether biofuels have any real overwhelming benefits compared to fossil fuels could argue for its usage. According to recent research performed by the University of Michigan, biofuels may not be the best alternative for fossil fuels. Regardless of its impact on the environment, biofuels are becoming more popular particularly when the price of oil rises.
In the world of global warming, all kinds of pollution and fuel shortages going on, renewable and clean/ green energy is increasingly the ideal solution of energy related problems we have to solve one way or another. Biofuel is one of the mainstream and highly supported solutions nowadays, an idea to make renewable fuel by living organisms such as fiber, corn, vegetable oil or sugar cane. Unlike nonrenewable fossil fuels over extracted by people causing various environmental problems like generating a considerable amount greenhouse gas, current technology already lets renewable fuel like biofuels to shrink a certain amount of greenhouse gas production, making it a more ‘clean’ source of energy.
This essay focuses on two renewable energy resources. First of all, biofuel is now accepted as alternative energy in worldwide. The figures continue upward trend in the biofuel production. ‘An annual growth rate of 6.8% from 2006 to 2030 is expected for total biofuels consumption in the transport sector’ (International Energy Agency: 2008 cited in Zhou, et al., 2009:S11). Significant leaders of the biofuel market are Brazil, the United States and the European Union. The results of research indicated that 92% of the world’s ethanol is produced by Brazil and US together, while 90% of the world’s biodiesel manufactured by the EU. In addition, several developing countries in Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines have an enormous potential for biofuel production. Now these countries are
Consequently, another new challenge which the airline industry is currently undergoing is the ability to find a greener solution to fuel so that aviation is not purely dependent on fossil fuels. Some sources of literature have alleged biofuels to not be the answer to cleaner fuels as although the direct emissions from airplanes powered by a biofuel mix may be reduced, the indirect emissions through producing biofuels are significant. Biofuels create a lot of pressures on carbon sinks through the way they are cropped causing strains on the land and rainforests (Bringezu et al, 2009), which adds to the greenhouse effect, furthermore increasing climate change. Due to the size of land required of biofuel production, it can also threaten biodiversity of flora and fauna and
It has become increasingly obvious that continued relianceon fossil fuel energy resources is unsustainable, owing toboth diminishing world reserves and the greenhouse gasemissions associated with their use. As a result, there arevigorous research initiatives aimed at developing alternativerenewable resources, including potential biofuels, as
Fossil fuels are generally easier to harness but it is produces a lot of carbon emission which is greatly detrimental to the health of the environment. Thus, the idea of Bio-fuel is introduced as an alternative to Fossil Fuels. Furthermore, micro-algae produces nearly 2362.20% of what Palm Oil can produce in a year commercially (635 gallons), which was previous more used source of Bio-Oil.
In the wake of exhausting petroleum stocks and the test of meeting the considerably more stringent discharge standards, specialists over the globe are spurred to recommend different other options to petrol and diesel. Different biofuels, for example, ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, green diesel, bio-ethers, and green growth based biofuels have gathered the enthusiasm of scientists.