
What Does Social Identity Mean To Me

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I was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq on October 7, 1994. I’m the youngest among my siblings which means I was the most spoiled one sometimes. I have two older brothers that are married and have kids. I grew up in Baghdad living a happy life with my family until we discovered that my dad had cancer. I’m catholic and I derive most of my values from my religion. For example, don’t steal, don’t kill, don’t lie, don’t bear false witness, etc. Also, I derive other values from my culture and my family like respecting the older. I believe that my social identity does not limit me and in fact it helps me to success in my life by developing trust, and good relationships with people at work and school. I believe that my values, social identity and my personality had helped me to become the person who I’m right now, and it will help me even more to develop more relationships and open up more opportunities. …show more content…

But with the use of wrong medication and not giving it attention, and the wrong doctors diagnoses, this simple skin disease developed into cancer. During the last year of my father’s disease, the war between Iraq and the United States started which made it harder on us to get my dad the right treatment. We had to leave Baghdad and go to a safer place until the attack is over. After we came back to Baghdad, both of my parents went Amman, Jordan because it had better medical system and better hospitals. The doctors in Jordan recommended for my parents to travel to here, the United States. Because of the situation of the war, it took much longer than usual for my parents to get the visa to come to here, and this made us hate America. By the end of November 2003 they finally got the approval to come to the United States and they arrived to Florida on December 2003. It was too late for Doctors to heal my father or at least make his situation a bit better. He died on December 15,

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