
What Does Pearl Symbolize In The Scarlet Letter

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Pearl is a symbol of love and passion for Hester. To start off, when Hester is first coming out of the jail she doesn't try to hide, ".., wisely judging that one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another..," (46). This starts off showing that Pearl is a result her her sin, but she does not hide her, or try to cover up what had defined her life thus far. Pearl reminds Hester of her passion and how Pearl came into this world. Plus, when Hester and Pearl are on their way to the govenor's hall, it address Pearl's appearance, "..; arraying her in a crimson velvet tunic, of a peculiar cut, abundantly embroidered with fantasies and flourishes of gold thread," (84). Hester wants to show that she is not ashamed of her child, and that

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