The war of 1812 was caused by several different reasoning’s. First, Britain was at war with France. However, Britain did not want the United States to provide France with food and supplies. This would lead to Britain setting up a particle blockade. Second, between the years of 1802 and 1803 the British had captured (kidnapped) about 6,000 American sailors forcing them to work on British ships. Third, many of the American settlers believed that the British were stirring up the Native resistance to limit settlement. Finally, members of congress like Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun had started to sire up about the ideal of war. This was based off of their resentment towards British violation of maritime rights and Britain’s encouragement of Native American hostility against American expansion in the West. …show more content…
First of all, the war was not even worth fighting. After the U.S. had won they did not even gain the changes of the British policy they set out to win. The war also set out thousands of unnecessary deaths and damages. The military objective that was set to achieve had also failed. “The only real victory that the U.S. had in the entire war came after the formal peace had already been negotiated. The U.S. went to war against Britain at a time when the latter was still embroiled in its conflict with Napoleon.” (Larison, D| April 25, 2014| The American Conservative| The War of 1812: Not Much For Americans To Celebrate) The war of 1812 may have had several reasoning behind going into war, but in the end the war was basically for nothing. The war of 1812 was a big mistake. Even though the war of 1812 may have caused some good effects the overall war was pointless. Everything they set out to accomplish during this war was not accomplished. They may have won the war, but winning the war did not achieve the goals that was set to
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and England. Ending in 1815 with the Treaty of Ghent, the war did not accomplish any of the issues it was being fought over. For the US, the War of 1812 seemed to just be one failure after another. Although the military suffered great failure during the war, these were the direct consequence of the failure of the citizens to unite for the causes of the war. Because of these failures, it is quite valid to call the War of 1812 "America's worst-fought war".
The War of 1812 was a war that lasted for two years that helped the United States to firmly and officially establish its independence. After finishing with the concern of France, England turned its attention over to the United States. At first, the United States did not want to resort to war and fighting (Doc. B) but rather sort out their issues economically--because England had seized all ships that did not stop in the British port before heading to their other European destinations, Congress passed the Embargo Act and then the Non-Intercourse Act, allowing trade with all nations except France and England. Then, England refused to allow this trade to occur, so America had to resort to war. The Northeastern Federalists were not in favor of
The War of 1812 occurred while James Madison was in office. The cause of this war was caused from poor communication and the English thinking they could take America an soldiers to fight for them. James Madison, being the gullible president he was, believed Napoleon, who was a manipulating man. He had told Madison that he would withdraw France's recent orders, after Madison had signed a new order to have non intercourse with Great Britain. Little did Madison know that he was still seizing ships and lying. The conflict was rather immature and non professional which led to the poor communication as well. It was a violation of their neutral rights that caused war as well the congress had made their final vote to declare war, before knowing, the
Many historians believe that the Americans were responsible for the war of 1812. However, in reality, some major events that contributed to it were the Chesapeake attack, the impressment of American sailors and the Nonintercourse Act. Therefore, although the war was a result of many conflicts between both battling nations, the majority were caused by the British.
“…the Royal Navy’s impressment of American seamen and America’s desire to expand its territory”, would be the other two reasons why the war of 1812 erupted. Before James Madison took office, in 1806 France “prohibited all neutral trade” with Great Britain, a year later in 1807 Great Britain decided to block trade between France and the Americas. “Congress passed an embargo act in 1807 in retaliation, prohibiting U.S. vessels from trading with European nations, and later the Non-Intercourse Acts, aimed solely at France and Britain.” After the embargo and non-intercourse act were confirmed to be inept in 1810 the United States reinstated trading between both France and Great Britain. “Great Britain continued to stop American merchant ships to search for Royal Navy deserters, to impress American seamen on the high seas into the Royal Navy, and to enforce its blockade of neutral commerce. “(
During 1812, there were many things going on with Great Britain and America.. The war of 1812 was a little-known historic event which involved the United States of America and Great Britain. It is important for people to know about the war because the war had many major conflicts that were solved. Many people think that the War of 1812 had a big part in U.S. history and that it was a major event in the world. Although, some people may say that the war was irrelevant. The War of 1812 should get more recognition than it deserves.
In the War of 1812 some Americans supported the war while others were against it. Supporters believed we had to fight because of impressment. However other Americans opposed the war as it may have led to secession after New England threatened to draw a new border and become their own country. Although many Americans believe the war was a necessity for our country, I believe that the war was a waste of effort and time.
The war of 1812 was significant to American history because it brought about a new sense of American pride and patriotism. After the war in accordance to the newly founded boost of pride and nationalism in the American people. The war also helped bring influential people together to create laws that filled the gaps in the structure of our political system. This war also showed that America will defend their beliefs against other nations which attempt to threaten their ways.
I believe the War of 1812 was justified given the causes because one cause was that the British had given guns to the Indians in order to have them fight the Americans on the frontier. The Indian governor, William Henry Harrison, defeated the Indians along with the the Shawnee brothers, Tecumseh and the Prophet, who led the Indian opposition towards America, at the Battle of Tippecanoe. Young congressmen from the West and South known as War Hawks, are stirred from these Indian raids on the frontier and wanted the Indians to clear the land so the whites could settle without fear. This was an important reason why Madison proclaimed war. However, the main cause of the war was especially involved around impressment, where the British continually
Many others have forgotten about the war completely. One reason why this major war in American history has been forgotten is because of the lack of a clear-cut winner. “Today, most historians view the war of 1812 as both unnecessary and a dangerous risk to new and fragile ideas of national unity” (Faragher, 9.5.2). This quote from the textbook shows that at the time of the war, there really was no reason for it aside from parts of the United states not liking the relationship
The United States of America was undertaking a major task in setting out to conduct its first war after the drafting of the Constitution. The British Empire had encroached just too far for President Madison, and the waterways in which the United States depended were threatened by British naval vessels repeatedly. There were three stated causes to the beginning of the War of 1812, and each of them has to do with specific problems that the British had put into place before the Americans.
It also give a momentous lift to the political or military careers of other men. The War of 1812 looked more to the past then to its future, it echoed the philosophy and problems of the American Revolution rather than exploring new ones. It was it second and last time that America was the underdog, tried to conquer Canada, and the Indians played any major role. The war was unusual in generating such heated political opposition and nearly distinctive in ending the war in a draw. Though most Americans pretended that they had win the war, they could point to a few gains to withstand this claim. It is this lack of victory that may best explain why the war was little
The War of 1812 was a war between Britain and the United States fought primarily in Upper Canada. It had many causes, few which involved British North America. The results of the war include the fact that there was no clear winner or loser among them. The only real losers in the situation were the Natives in the region. They were driven out of their lands and customs. None of the borders was changed by the war, though many attempts were made. The Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, did nothing to advance the state of the countries. It went so far as to end the war and put things back the way that they were, but the main causes of the conflict were not addressed or dealt with. In order to evaluate the significance of this war,
The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain from June 1812 to the spring of 1815 (Findling, 15). When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British, though toward the end, the issues eventually were unjustified and reasons manipulated. There is no single cause for the War of 1812 but instead, several related causes, such the influence of the War Hawks, the impressments as well as the Embargo and Non-Intercourse acts, and the British's possible interference with the Indian Nations, and land ownership disputes between the Natives and Americans, ultimately leading to the Battle of Tippecanoe.
There are many conflicting viewpoints of the war of 1812. Both sides claim it as a victory but only one side can win a war. The war of 1812 isn’t a very well known war throughout the world but it has been a very important one to the countries and people involved. The war was an issue of the U.S. wanting land and seeing an opportunity to have North American Britain while Britain was at war with Napoleon. The U.S. also wanted to trade with everybody as Great Britain was stopping the U.S. from trading with enemies in Europe such as Napoleon. The United States and Great Britain both views The War of 1812 as a victory but in reality the United States did not achieve their goals of the war and Great Britain obtained almost all of their goals with less losses.