
What Are Women's Rights Over The Years

Decent Essays

Women’s Rights Over the Years Women have fought for equal rights and have succeeded for the most part. While the fight still goes on, many things have been achieved. To many in our modern day woman are still not completely equal and there are many who fight for equality. To others women have more than men in certain ways or some believe that women should not have equality. Women have fought for equal rights and to be treated equally alongside the men of the world and their fight has allowed them the right to many things yet some people believe that women are still not being treated equally. Many women worked hard in the fight for equal rights. One well known woman is Susan B Anthony. Anthony had stated that the purpose of her life was to establish perfect equality of rights for women (Anthony, 1). Anthony wanted women to have equal civil, political, industrial, …show more content…

"That women shall no longer be discriminated against in civil and government service, but shall have the same right as men to pay in the executive, the legislative, and the judicial branches of the government service. "That women shall no longer be discriminated against in the foreign trade, consular and diplomatic service, but women as well as men shall represent our country in foreign lands." (Frame 1).
All of these had been achieved yet that does not mean that discrimination does not still occur when it comes to society. Some people will hire a man over a women or treat a women differently because of their views. This is something that people cannot stop from happening because you cannot always make someone who sees another person in certain way change their view. Yet what has been achieved in time has been a great

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