
What Are The Arguments Against The Electoral College

Decent Essays

The value of the electoral college has been up for debate during the past few elections. When a candidate wins the popular vote but loses the electoral vote, it sparks a thought that the college might not be the most ideal setup for modern times. The argument against continuing the electoral college is that a democracy is based on the will of the people and whoever the people choose is who should win. This, however, was not the case recently. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over a million votes, but lost the electoral college. The founding fathers put the system in place before there were 50 states and over 300 million people in America. The electoral college is outdated and a misrepresentation of the public's opinions and thus should be amended in the Constitution. …show more content…

It was proposed that the election would be based on a combination of Congress, state officials, and the American people in order to avoid political manipulation ( They did not want any chance of corruption affecting the election process. This being said they also made it clear that they wanted only the people educated on the candidates’ issues to be allowed to vote. There is a major concern today about if voters are informed or just following the social norm; the electoral college was established in hopes of avoiding this. Another suggestion was that the Vice President would be the runner up (Origin). This could have worked; however, due to the polarization of the two main parties, the difference of opinions would have created clashes and a stagnant

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