
West Hill Reflection

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Talking to various people in Arbor Hill and West Hill was truly a rewarding and enlightening experience that helped me synthesize everything I learned in this class. Some themes that I noticed while engaging with Arbor Hill community members is high levels of violence and an awareness of what was happening within their community. I talked to a man named El and while talking to him some of his family members and family friends joined us on his stoop. When walking to West Hill, I approached a family while they were sitting on their stoop. I talked mainly to a man who lived in the neighborhood for 52 years and has seen the neighborhood transform over the years. He was accompanied by two of his daughters and who I believe to be his granddaughter; we were never formally introduced. I saw some differences in his opinion of his community. El and his family realized that many of the issues affecting him and his people were systematic and intentional while this West Hill resident seemed to blame many of the neighborhood ills on the migration of more Black people into the area. This, of course, seemed problematic to me but it was not …show more content…

He delightedly states that the children are the best parts of the neighborhood. He says seeing them run around and enjoy themselves is the best part of being there. He says the children are the future and the children are his focus. He very quickly moves on to say the worst part of the neighborhood is the shootings. He calls them unnecessary shootings. His brothers co-sign this statement and I can visibly see the hurt in their faces. El plans to improve his environment by continuing to pay attention and stay informed on what is going on around him and continuing to keep and open mind- he encourages us to do the same. This is similar to what you tell us to do constantly. We must equip ourselves with knowledge! We must take the red

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