Other than that, it can likewise expand the danger that your infant is conceived rashly or with low conception weight. Untimely children regularly have wellbeing issues. Ladies who smoke or presented to tobacco smoke amid pregnancy have double the danger of having a child with low conception weight. Babies with this condition builds the danger of mental handicap, wellbeing issues, even
Smoking during the first trimester of pregnancy could lead to the placenta not developing fully. As the placenta carries oxygen and blood to the foetus this may impair growth and link to low birth weights. Babies born to smoking mothers are 30% more likely to have a premature baby which could lead to respiratory distress, problems feeding and they could have difficulty regulating their body temperature. Babies undergo withdrawal like systems and tend to be more jittery and harder to settle. Babies being brought up in a smoking household are at increased risk of cot death and may go on to develop asthma during childhood.
The second action with exposure to teratogens is smoking. Smoking during a pregnancy can cause multiple problems. Some of those problems could be low birth weight, placenta issues, miscarriage, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), premature birth, or other birth defects.
Cigarette smoking increases a wide range of issues, with prematurity (20-30%) and low birth weight (which doubles) being the most probable. The first trimester is considered a critical time for growth as the fetus is beginning to develop organs. If a woman smokes only in her trimester and then quits, she has put her fetus at risk of developing a birth defect. Also, the second and third trimesters are important as well due to the fact that neurological defects result if a woman is smoking
There are many factors that influence the health and well being of children and it is important to be aware of these factors in order to provide and promote a positive approach to health and well being. Whilst some factors can be externally influenced, others like biological factors are not but must also be looked at and considerations must be made to enable a positive approach to health and wellbeing.
Smoking while pregnant can cause a various of issues to the fetus and to the child while they are in their young ages. It can cause the child to be born 162-226 grams. This weight is lighter than a baby whose mother did not smoke. For example, while the baby is in the womb, it will slow the development of the baby’s organs, due to the toxins entering the baby’s bloodstream (Holmes ?). Another way it can harm the baby while he/she is still in the womb is by causing the baby to be stillborn (not cited yet). This sympathetic damage would have lasting impact on the mother psychologically. This could be especially painful when she has done everything right to protect her unborn
The relationship between maternal smoking and fetal development shows that smoking raises the risk of early miscarriage and stillbirth. In the early stages of fetal development, cigarette smoke may cause genetic damage to the unborn baby. Smoking can change the lining of the uterus making it harder for the implantation of the fertilized egg. The dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes can cause a mother’s placenta to separate from the womb at a premature time. Smoking later in pregnancy appears to decrease the placenta’s ability to deliver nutrients to a developing baby. Some evidence even indicates that heavy smoking by
It can stain your teeth and gums, resulting in yellow teeth and bad breath which can affect your social life. It can cause sexual problems for men by reducing the amount of sperm they can produce. It has also been proven that 'smoking causes aging of skin' (Buzzle 36), because the skin is deprived of blood. Pregnant women should not even try to smoke cigarettes during their 9 months because of the harm it could do to the baby and themselves. The affects of smoking on women and the child during pregnancy are as follows: high possibility of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and possible death of the baby. These are just a small variety of facts on smoking and how dangerous it can be, yet millions of people across the U.S choose to smoke anyways, without realizing the harm it can doing to their bodies. For secondhand smokers, the same principle applies. Don’t smoke and you will live a healthy lifestyle. I have personally seen many of my friends who hang around with their other friends that happen to smoke. When I confront them about the harm it is doing to them, they tend to ignore the advice I offer, so I let them be, hoping that one day they will realize that smoking harms more people than just the smoker themselves. It causes harm to the people around them and to the environment, increasing the pollution in our world. Former U.S vice-president Al Gore, believes that smoking is
During pregnancy there is lots of choices to be made but choosing to smoke should never cross a pregnant women's mind. Smoking during pregnancy has lots of horrible effects to an unborn child including low birth weight. Smoking during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born with birth defects. Smoking during pregnancy can cause asthma and and lung problems for the baby. Smoking during pregnancy has several dangerous causes to a newborn including low birth weight, birth defects, and even lung problems.
In this case, when a woman smokes cigarettes during her nine months she is passing all of the chemicals found in cigarettes to her unborn baby. This exchange of chemicals from mother to baby is harmful for both of their health, but especially for the baby’s health. The chemicals from nicotine poisoning that are getting passed on to the baby deprives that fetus from getting the nutrients it needs from its mother. By the time the baby is born its lungs will be in terrible condition because the nicotine chemicals have destroyed any healthy enzymes that the baby had in its body. The baby may have respiratory issues where it cannot breathe on its own. The baby will then have to be hooked up to a ventilator and placed in an incubation tube until its oxygen levels are high enough to where it can breathe on its own. In the worst case scenario, the baby might have to be placed on an organ donor transplant list to receive a new lung or lungs because the damage from the mother smoking cigarettes has completely ruined the baby’s lungs to where they are not able to be corrected by doctors. This can cause a baby to stay in the hospital for several weeks to months. A long term effect of smoking cigarettes while pregnant can cause the baby to develop asthma once it is born. The baby’s asthma can be contributed to its lungs and respiratory issues it had presented at the time of birth, which was triggered by the nicotine poisoning. A newborn can also be born with heart defects
Also, smoking reduces the ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen. When the fetus is deprived of sufficient nourishment and oxygen, the baby may not grow as fast or as much as it should. Smoking during pregnancy can have a different effect on males as well. Research conducted in Denmark studied the differences in men who were exposed to tobacco during pregnancy and men who were not. The results were that men who were exposed to 19 cigarettes a day during pregnancy had about 19% lower semen volume and 38% lower total sperm count than those who were not exposed to smoking while in the womb. Also, children who were exposed to smoking during pregnancy may be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder more easily than children who were not exposed to smoking during pregnancy.
The relationship between maternal smoking and fetal development shows that smoking raises the risk of early miscarriage and stillbirth. In the early stages of fetal development, cigarette smoke may cause genetic damage to the unborn baby. Smoking can change the lining of the uterus making it harder for the implantation of the fertilized egg. The dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes can cause a mother’s placenta to separate from the womb at a premature time. Smoking later in pregnancy appears to decrease the placenta’s ability to deliver nutrients to a developing baby. Some evidence even indicates that heavy smoking by
There are several opinions about whether if smoking is bad or not to your baby´s development during your pregnancy time, the truth is that smoking during pregnancy is a really dangerous gamble that only the mother can take or no. Smoking is bad for your health because it increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, gum disease, and just a variety of health conditions; that´s the reason for women to stop smoking for their own health, and when you are pregnant you have the responsibility of your baby´s health too. Smoking during pregnancy can cause also a lot of problems to the baby and later we are going to talk about some of them. Based on many pieces of research made by American Pregnancy Association show that 12-20 percent of pregnant women
Exposure to second hand smoke, also called involuntary smoking, occurs when non-smokers breathe in the cigarette smoke from others around them. Second hand smoke is harmful to both pregnant women and infants (NTP). Paternal smoking reduces birth weight by about 2 oz. (Berger 115). After birth, babies exposed to cigarette smoke may experience more colds, lung problems, and even ear infections.
Wellbeing is ‘generally understood as the quality of people’s lives. It is a dynamic state that is enhanced when people can fulfil their personal and social goals. It is understood both in relation to objective measures, such as household income, educational resources and health status; and subjective indicators such as happiness, perceptions of quality of life and life satisfaction, (Statham and Chase 2010).’ It is important to acknowledge many factors play a role in measuring childhood well-being but it is necessary to look at both positive and negative indicators in orders to get a realistic overview as well as an overall understanding of well-being as a whole. Throughout the course of this essay both subjective and objective aspects of children’s well-being will be discussed as well as how the value of measuring both aspects can enable us to gain a holistic understanding of childhood well-being.
The purpose of this project is how we can ensure the health and safety of children in a childcare setting. We have to consider the welfare of every child who will be under our care once we are working in Childcare. We have to follow some certain guidelines and this project will help me to outline the requirements necessary to provide for the health and well being of the children, including their protection and ensuring a safe environment for them. This project will further discuss the Health and Safety Regulations, some Legislation involved in Childcare and we have to come up with some policies and procedures.