
Welcome To Night Vale Character Analysis

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“Welcome to Night Vale…a friendly desert community somewhere in the American Southwest where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful and mysterious lights pass overhead while its citizens pretend to sleep.” (Second Cover). Welcome to Night Vale was co-authored by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. It is set in a town that is exactly like any other town, and at the same time unlike any other town, with quirky neighbours, local radio and community culture. In the novel two characters; Jackie Fierro and Diana Crayton make their way across Night Vale, their home town in hopes of regaining their everyday routine and repairing relationships. The two inevitably cross paths as they draw closer to the place that holds the answers to their futures; King City. …show more content…

The Diner is described as a typical small town diner with neon lighting, subpar food, and outdated décor. The outside of the building is a mint green in hue, complete with mint green neon lighting. Inside, the diner features typical booth-seating, neon lighting, a wall-mounted menu, and Night Vale Community Radio broadcasts playing from static filled speakers set into a foam tile ceiling. The diner smells like a mixture of rubber and bread. The Moonlite All-Nite has deviances from a diner found outside of Night Vale. For instance, when customers finish a meal and are ready to receive their check, they must hiss ‘Check Please!’ into a drinking glass, afterwards they must lift the tray of sugar packets off the table to find a check, already filled out and ready to be paid. It is custom to then set their payment on top of the check and wait for the sound of swallowing before leaving. The diner’s waitresses are all similar in appearance; being described as having branches with plump fruits growing out of their chests, necks and appendages; these branches will bleed profusely if broken, often disturbing

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