
The Color Purple Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Celie, the narrator of The Color Purple, is an uneducated, submissive, 14-year old black girl who lives in Georgia. Celie is constantly being abused and raped by her father, Alphonso. He has already impregnated Celie twice. The first one was a girl while the second one was a boy. All her children were taken away by her father after they were born. Her father told her that she better not tell anybody about their relationship but God, which explains why every letter she write begins with “Dear God”. Celie’s mother is happy because Alphonso doesn’t bother her anymore, but the truth is that Alphonso has been raping Celie as a substitute for her mother to gratify his sexual needs. Celie’s mother becomes seriously sick and eventually dies. Alphonso brings home another woman but continues to sexually …show more content…

______’s son, falls in love with a strong, well-built girl named Sofia. Sofia becomes pregnant and they get married. Celie is astonished by Sofia’s strength, courage, and defiance in Harpo’s attempts to treat her as an inferior because she is a woman. Harpo kept on trying to beat Sofia into submission but consistently fail as Sofia is not only physically but emotionally stronger than him. Frustrated with Harpo’s multiple attempts to subordinate her, Sofia finally moves out with her children. After several months, Harpo opens a juke joint and has a new lover named, Squeak. Shug promises to stay and protect Celie from abuse when she learned that Mr. ______ beats Celie everytime that she is away. Shug and Celie’s relationship become intimate and Celie gets puzzled about her feelings toward Shug. Sofia suddenly returns for a visit. When Sofia was in town one day, Miss Millie, the mayor’s wife asks Sofia to work for her as her maid. Sofia answers with a “Hell no” so the mayor slaps Sofia for her disrespect, Sofia then knocks the mayor down so she is sentenced to jail. Squeak tries to get Sofia out but Sofia is just sent to work as the mayor’s maid for twelve

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