
Web Application For The Smart Agricultural System

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The Web Application is used to view and interact with the smart agricultural system. The webpages are served from the Webserver and consist of HTML, CSS, JS, and JSON files. The HTML and CSS files are used for the webpages content and layout, the Javascript performs the webpages backend processing, and JSON is used for data. The Web Application performs most of its interaction with the Sensor Network through JSON files are passed between the Webserver and the Web Application. The JSON files contain labeled data that can be displayed as plots or text information. The plots are updated once every second by requesting new sensor data from the Webserver. This Section will focus on the software that allows that Web Application to …show more content…

Figure 26: Weather webpage layout. The Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Light, and Soil Moisture pages display graphic plots for each sensor value type. These pages allow the user to track in real time the current status and history of the sensor value. Figure 27: Temperature webpage layout. The Water Control webpage displays the history the water pump on/off state and value of the environment’s soil moisture. This page gives the best overview of the current system status. Typically, what you would see is that based on environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and weather, the soil moisture threshold will scale to compensate for the current conditions. The scaling and compensating factors will be discussed in the smart algorithm section below. Then, if the environment’s soil moisture sensor value falls below the soil moisture threshold, then the water pump will turn on. This will be reflected in the water control graphical plot. Figure 28: Water control webpage layout. 4.5.2 Data Interface: The Web Application interfaces with the Webserver by requesting JSON data files. The JSON files contain the sensor data used to update the plots and command statuses of the Web Application. The information within the files is formatted in a specific way such that the files can be passed directly to the plotting function. CouchDB performs the file formatting using its query function. Below is an

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