
Ways of Knowing Essay

Decent Essays

Carper (1978) identified four fundamental patterns of knowing which are (1) empirics, or the science of nursing; (2) personal knowledge; (3) esthetics, or the art of nursing; and (4) ethics, or the moral component of nursing. The purpose of this discussion is to explain how each pattern of knowing affects this author’s practice, and to identify the author’s preferred paradigm and provide justification for choosing this paradigm. Empirical knowing is based on the belief that what someone knows is objective and attainable through our senses (Chinn & Maeona, 2011). Empirical knowledge is created through research to test hypotheses. This type of knowledge could be called evidence based practice. Empirical knowing is used daily in this …show more content…

Ethical knowing or the moral direction of nursing is focused on the nurses’ responsibility of knowing what out to be done and what is good and right (Carper, 1978). Ethical knowing “guides and directs how nurses morally behave in their practices” (Chinn & Maeona, 2011, p. 7). This nurse practices ethics by being a patient advocate and preserving his client's right to choose or refuse care. This patient advocacy will continue as this nurse advances to the role of APN. This author ascribes to the empiricism paradigm. This paradigm is similar to empirical knowing in that it is based on the premise that what is known can be verified through the senses, or validated through research (Monti & Tingen, 1999). This author believes that the basis of a good practice is through the use of evidence based findings. If the procedure or care plan is supported by research, and the findings are reproducible, then this author is more likely to implement it into his practice. As this author continues his journey toward becoming an APN the patterns of knowing are very important to understand. By implementing these patterns to practice, and using evidence based findings to guide decision making, the author will be better able to care for his patients.

Carper, B. A. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in

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