
Carper Ways Of Knowing In Nursing

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So I bring up this controversial topic again, about both mental and physical health and how important it is to take some time out of our crazy busy lives as nurses just to sit with our patients for a few minutes to discuss their pain. By pain, I mean both mental and physical pain. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a situation I was involved in as a nursing student in the clinical setting and how I can critically analyze this situation using Carper’s Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing (1978). This model has helped many practitioners to consider what they learn throughout reflection on their experience within a holistic way.
Within Carper’s Ways of Knowing (1978), there are five main aspects. The first aspect of Carper’s Ways of Knowing (1978) is the way of empirics in nursing. The empiric aspect of nursing deals with the science and factual information in addition to noting the evidence underlying the situation. Within my specific situation, the empirical evidence involved taking the patients vital signs, as well as her pain intensity and description, which is known to be the fifth vital sign. The evidence involves what my patient reported as pain, which would be her 7/10 pain, as well as the fact that she told me it wasn’t getting any better after administering the ordered medications. Known by science, specific medications help patients with several different types of pain. As nursing students, we learn in Pharmacology the pathway of medications in the body

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