
Watershed Communities

Decent Essays

“Only communities located downstream in a watershed need to be concerned about how the water resources are managed in the watershed.” Science Essay SG-2I June-kyo Kim Sept. 16 2016 Think about the following statement: “Only communities located downstream in a watershed need to be concerned about how the water resources are managed in the watershed.” In my opinion, I strongly disagree with this statement. This essay will explain why even communities upstream a watershed should be concerned due to acid rain, and the risk of contaminated drinking water. Although communities upstream a watershed need not be worried about water runoff containing pollutants, clouds containing the contaminated water can travel even to upstream …show more content…

All the inhabitants of Flint communities regardless of their location had irreversible, permanent brain damage due to lead-contaminated water. It started when traces of E. coli and total coliform were found in the Flint River. The city addressed this problem by increasing chlorine levels in the water, causing the pipes to corrode, releasing lead into the waters. Total trihalomethanes (TTHM) were also formed in the water (they are carcinogenic to humans).TTHM is a disinfection byproduct that occur when chlorine interacts with organic matter in the water. At this stage, The lead levels in the water was 13,200 ppb. Water is considered hazardous waste at 5,000ppb (NPR 2016). This tragedy goes to show that this toxic runoff, or even the miss-handling of the water resources in a watershed can affect everyone as the downstream water was piped up into the upstream communities. In conclusion, upstream communities should also be concerned about how water resources are managed in the watershed because of acid rain, and possible contamination of their drinking water. Acid rain not only damages infrastructure, but also tampers with ecosystems, exposing already weak trees and plants to the stressors of nature and negatively influences soil qualities, affecting farmers. The Flint water crises shows that even upstream communities should be concerned about contaminated

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