
Rhetorical Analysis Of Water Works

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The article “Water Works”, published by Orion Magazine and written by environmental specialist Cynthia Barnett intends to inform the reader anyone can make water an important factor. Overlooking it has become common many people in the United States have adapted to through the changes that have occurred in society over time. At the beginning of her article, she describes an area that does not make water care a priority, whereas in another location they make it very evident water is important. The location she describes is gloomy, grey, and is a populated area that has old water systems that are damaging environmental factors. Barnett continuously emphasizes that people are the ones who can help restore nature. This is at a less cost than …show more content…

The word choice in her entire article is left for the reader to assume which can be a way of compelling the audience to take action. I really enjoy reading articles that make me think twice about the meaning of a concept; engaging. The style is likewise characterized in other ways. Having an engaging article to read that not only sounds good but looks good is another important part in convincing audience of the cause. “Water Works” uses small paragraphs with different facts and examples meant not only to make the author credible with facts, but allow the reader to think about each small idea to verify it is a logical argument on the author's behalf. Although more facts than ideas may disengage the audience, or the fact it is ten pages, it seems she at least made an attempt to accommodate the reader with her paragraph lengths, and space. Analyzing appeals the author uses can further clarify her intention. The appeals of logos, pathos, and ethos can be seen throughout the piece “Water Works”. On page three Barnett introduces a source she obviously finds credible: George E. Waring. I noticed the reason she probably finds him credible is that she sees it important for the audience to hear his point she brought into the mix. The point he brought up is, what I would say, a low-key turning point. George roasts the United States people on page three paragraph three saying it is

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