
Watc Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

0700 Pt in his room awake getting ready for breakfast with the assistance of CNA. No sign of distress this morning…………………………………………..L.Gotora PNS2/WATC 0900 Pt back to his room after breakfast lying down on his bed watching TV, call light within his reach. Ate 85% of his breakfast. Focus assessment completed. Alert and oriented x 4 and follow command. VS T 97.2, P 89, BP 120/60, O2 Sat 92 on 3-liter nasal cannula Pt denied pain at this time and rated 0/10 on a scale of 0 to 10 Heart sounds regular and even, S1 and S2 auscultated. Lungs sounds wheezing in all lobes during expiratory. Bowel sounds present and active in all four quadrants. ABD soft and non-tender to palpate. Pt denied ABD pain. Pt reported bowel movement this morning, (2/18/16)

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