
Washington Descriptive Writing

Decent Essays

I had just woke up and was now trying to adjust my eyes to the dim sunlight coming from outside. I rolled out of bed still tired and walked over to my silky see-through curtains. I moved them to the side and admired the vista in front of me. From where I was standing, I could see everything. The beautiful snow-capped of Mount Rainer, the outstanding greenland's of Mount Olympus, the clear soothing waters of Lake Sammamish and Lake Washington; and the high-glass buildings of downtown Bellevue. It was still pretty dark out but you could still see the combination of blue, red, and yellow in the rising sky. It was so much to take in, but I loved the rush I get when watching it. This view is like no other. It’s breathtaking. Bellevue is usually not the first thing you think about when you’re looking for a place to live. Others may think of Bellevue as another city in Washington, but I think of it as home. …show more content…

After spending 20 minutes looking at the view, I crawl back into bed and pulled my fluffy blanket over me. I looked at the time. 5:30 am. I’m always up this early just to see the sunrise, but I go back to sleep after that. Once my head hits my comfy pillows, I’m out like bug.

I woke up to a loud-wailing scream of sirens. The sirens of the police cars and ambulance always wakes me up in the morning; it’s a tradition. Instead of getting out of bed I just lay there knowing that if I get up I’ll have to face the reality of life. I got up anyway knowing I would have to get up sooner or later. The dark wood floors were freezing. I felt like it was winter and I had just got stuck in the snow. I ran over to my drawers and quickly took out one pair of fluffy socks. I put them on at the same rate I took them out and let out a sigh of relief once I was

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